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4. Custom Properties

Russell Camo edited this page Aug 12, 2023 · 1 revision

ModernControls Custom Properties

Property Name Type Description
CornerRadiusProperty CornerRadius Defines the corner radius for the border styling of the Control.
PlaceholderProperty string Sets the placeholder text used in the Control.
HelperTextProperty string Defines the helper text used in the Control.
PrefixProperty string Defines the prefix text used in the Control.
SuffixProperty string Defines the suffix text used in the Control.
IsPasswordBoxProperty bool Determines if the Control is to be treated as password input field.
IconProperty object Sets the icon used in the Control.
IconSizeProperty double Defines the size of the icon in the Control.
IconPaddingProperty double Sets the padding around the icon used in Control.
IconForegroundProperty Brush Defines the foreground color of the icon in the Control.
IconPlacementProperty IconPlacement Specifies the position of the icon in the Control.
PlaceholderForegroundProperty Brush Defines the foreground color of the placeholder text in the Control.
DefaultBackgroundProperty Brush Defines the default background color for the Control.
DisabledBackgroundProperty Brush Defines the background color of the Control when it is disabled.
HoverBackgroundProperty Brush Defines the background color of the Control on hover.
FocusedBackgroundProperty Brush Defines the background color of the Control when it is focused.
PressedBackgroundProperty Brush Defines the background color of the Control when it is pressed.
CheckedBackgroundProperty Brush Defines the background color of the Control when it is checked.
DefaultForegroundProperty Brush Defines the default foreground color for the Control.
DisabledForegroundProperty Brush Defines the foreground color of the Control when it is disabled.
HoverForegroundProperty Brush Defines the foreground color of the Control on hover.
FocusedForegroundProperty Brush Defines the foreground color of the Control when it is focused.
PressedForegroundProperty Brush Defines the foreground color of the Control when it is pressed.
CheckedForegroundProperty Brush Defines the foreground color of the Control when it is checked.
DefaultBorderBrushProperty Brush Defines the default border color for the Control.
DisabledBorderBrushProperty Brush Defines the border color of the Control when it is disabled.
HoverBorderBrushProperty Brush Defines the border color of the Control on hover.
FocusedBorderBrushProperty Brush Defines the border color of the Control when it is focused.
PressedBorderBrushProperty Brush Defines the border color of the Control when it is pressed.
CheckedBorderBrushProperty Brush Defines the border color of the Control when it is checked.
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