Tags: russellrobinson/generic-linked-list
Corrected the type definition of flatMap. More tests & documentation improvements. Version 2.0.0
Added flat method and support for recursive or nested lists. Documentation improvements. Some code refactoring. Minified code is now even smaller. Added more information to README. Added more examples, and improved the existing examples. Version 2.0.0-rc7
Added flat method and support for recursive or nested lists. Documentation improvements. Some code refactoring. Minified code is now even smaller. Added more information to README. Added more examples, and improved the existing examples. Version 2.0.0-rc6
Added memory leak tests. Added another example in plain Javascript. Fixed typos. Added keywords. Releasing v1.1.3
Disabled 'slice' speed test as it is behaving strangely with other te… …sts during 'npm publish'. Releasing v1.1.1
More analysis of push method and comparison with array. Documentation updates. The push speed test parameters are now tweaked for better accuracy, but the test is disabled due to confounding factors that make it unreliable. Added repository details. Releasing v1.0.3
Minor documentation improvements. Releasing version 1.0.1