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github-actions committed Mar 22, 2024
1 parent 04a0917 commit be24db5
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Showing 5 changed files with 91 additions and 62 deletions.
47 changes: 35 additions & 12 deletions library/Booster/JsonRpc.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import Booster.Pattern.Rewrite (
import Booster.Pattern.Util (sortOfPattern, substituteInPredicate, substituteInTerm)
import Booster.Prettyprinter (renderText, renderOneLineText)
import Booster.Prettyprinter (renderOneLineText, renderText)
import Booster.SMT.Base qualified as SMT
import Booster.SMT.Interface qualified as SMT
import Booster.Syntax.Json (KoreJson (..), addHeader, prettyPattern, sortOfJson)
Expand All @@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ import Booster.Syntax.Json.Internalise (
TermOrPredicates (..),
pattern CheckSubsorts,
pattern DisallowAlias, patternErrorToRpcError,
pattern DisallowAlias,
import Booster.Syntax.ParsedKore (parseKoreModule)
import Booster.Syntax.ParsedKore.Base hiding (ParsedModule)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +106,11 @@ respond stateVar =
case internalised of
Left patternError -> do
Log.logDebug $ "Error internalising cterm" <> Text.pack (show patternError)
pure $ Left $ RpcError.backendError $ RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $ patternErrorToRpcError patternError
pure $
Left $
RpcError.backendError $
RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $
patternErrorToRpcError patternError
Right (pat, substitution, unsupported) -> do
unless (null unsupported) $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,11 +172,13 @@ respond stateVar =

unless (null newModule.sorts) $
throwE $
RpcError.InvalidModule . RpcError.ErrorOnly $ "Module introduces new sorts: " <> listNames newModule.sorts

RpcError.InvalidModule . RpcError.ErrorOnly $
"Module introduces new sorts: " <> listNames newModule.sorts

unless (null newModule.symbols) $
throwE $
RpcError.InvalidModule . RpcError.ErrorOnly $ "Module introduces new symbols: " <> listNames newModule.symbols
RpcError.InvalidModule . RpcError.ErrorOnly $
"Module introduces new symbols: " <> listNames newModule.symbols

-- check if we already received a module with this name
when nameAsId $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,15 +254,23 @@ respond stateVar =
(Log.LevelOther "ErrorDetails")
(prettyPattern req.state.term)
pure $ Left $ RpcError.backendError $ RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $ RpcError.ErrorOnly "Error internalising cterm."
Left (patternError:_) -> do
pure $
Left $
RpcError.backendError $
RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $
RpcError.ErrorOnly "Error internalising cterm."
Left (patternError : _) -> do
Log.logErrorNS "booster" $
"Error internalising cterm: " <> pack (show patternError)
(Log.LevelOther "ErrorDetails")
(prettyPattern req.state.term)
pure $ Left $ RpcError.backendError $ RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $ patternErrorToRpcError patternError
pure $
Left $
RpcError.backendError $
RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $
patternErrorToRpcError patternError
-- term and predicate (pattern)
Right (TermAndPredicates pat substitution unsupported) -> do
Log.logInfoNS "booster" "Simplifying a pattern"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,15 +368,23 @@ respond stateVar =
(Log.LevelOther "ErrorDetails")
(prettyPattern req.state.term)
pure $ Left $ RpcError.backendError $ RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $ RpcError.ErrorOnly "Error internalising cterm."
Left (patternError:_) -> do
pure $
Left $
RpcError.backendError $
RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $
RpcError.ErrorOnly "Error internalising cterm."
Left (patternError : _) -> do
Log.logErrorNS "booster" $
"Error internalising cterm: " <> pack (show patternError)
(Log.LevelOther "ErrorDetails")
(prettyPattern req.state.term)
pure $ Left $ RpcError.backendError $ RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $ patternErrorToRpcError patternError
pure $
Left $
RpcError.backendError $
RpcError.CouldNotVerifyPattern $
patternErrorToRpcError patternError
-- various predicates obtained
Right things -> do
Log.logInfoNS "booster" "get-model request"
Expand Down
25 changes: 15 additions & 10 deletions library/Booster/JsonRpc/Utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import Booster.Definition.Base qualified as Internal
import Booster.Prettyprinter
import Booster.Syntax.Json.Internalise
import Data.Binary.Builder (fromByteString, fromLazyByteString, toLazyByteString)
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Kore.JsonRpc.Error qualified as RpcError
import Kore.JsonRpc.Types
import Kore.Syntax.Json.Types hiding (Left, Right)
import Prettyprinter qualified as Pretty
import qualified Kore.JsonRpc.Error as RpcError
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
import Data.Binary.Builder (fromByteString, fromLazyByteString, toLazyByteString)

diffJson :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> DiffResult
diffJson file1 file2 =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,16 +261,21 @@ diffBy def pat1 pat2 =
<> if null u then "" else BS.unlines ("Unsupported parts: " : map Json.encode u)
internalise =
(("Pattern could not be internalised: " <>) . toLazyByteString . prettyRpcErrors . map patternErrorToRpcError)
( ("Pattern could not be internalised: " <>)
. toLazyByteString
. prettyRpcErrors
. map patternErrorToRpcError
. runExcept
. internaliseTermOrPredicate DisallowAlias IgnoreSubsorts Nothing def
prettyRpcErrors = \case
[] -> "unknown error"
[e] -> prettyRpcError e
(e:es) -> prettyRpcError e <> "\n" <> prettyRpcErrors es
(e : es) -> prettyRpcError e <> "\n" <> prettyRpcErrors es

prettyRpcError RpcError.ErrorWithTermAndContext{error = err, term, context} =
Text.encodeUtf8Builder err <> "\n" <>
maybe "" ((<> "\n") . fromLazyByteString . Json.encode) term <>
maybe "" (mconcat . intersperse ", " . map Text.encodeUtf8Builder) context
Text.encodeUtf8Builder err
<> "\n"
<> maybe "" ((<> "\n") . fromLazyByteString . Json.encode) term
<> maybe "" (mconcat . intersperse ", " . map Text.encodeUtf8Builder) context
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions library/Booster/SMT/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import Data.Text (Text)

{- SMT lib 2 commands and responses
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ data Response
= Success -- for command_
| Sat
| Unsat
| Unknown
| Unknown
| Values [(SExpr, Value)]
| ReasonUnknown Text
| Error BS.ByteString
Expand Down
65 changes: 32 additions & 33 deletions library/Booster/Syntax/Json/Internalise.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ import Booster.Pattern.Base qualified as Internal
import Booster.Pattern.Bool qualified as Internal
import Booster.Pattern.Util (freeVariables, sortOfTerm, substituteInSort)
import Booster.Prettyprinter (renderDefault)
import Booster.Syntax.Json (addHeader)
import Booster.Syntax.Json.Externalise (externaliseSort)
import Booster.Syntax.ParsedKore.Parser (parsePattern)
import Booster.Util (Flag (..))
import Kore.JsonRpc.Error qualified as RpcError
import Kore.Syntax.Json.Types qualified as Syntax
import qualified Kore.JsonRpc.Error as RpcError
import Booster.Syntax.Json (addHeader)

pattern IsQQ, IsNotQQ :: Flag "qq"
pattern IsQQ = Flag True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,37 +652,36 @@ while the context provides the pattern where the error occurred.
patternErrorToRpcError :: PatternError -> RpcError.ErrorWithTermAndContext
patternErrorToRpcError = \case
NotSupported p ->
wrap "Pattern not supported" p
NoTermFound p ->
wrap "Pattern must contain at least one term" p
PatternSortError p sortErr ->
wrap (renderSortError sortErr) p
InconsistentPattern p ->
wrap "Inconsistent pattern" p
TermExpected p ->
wrap "Expected a term but found a predicate" p
PredicateExpected p ->
wrap "Expected a predicate but found a term" p
UnknownSymbol sym p ->
wrap ("Unknown symbol '" <> Syntax.getId sym <> "'") p
MacroOrAliasSymbolNotAllowed sym p ->
wrap ("Symbol '" <> Syntax.getId sym <> "' is a macro/alias") p
SubstitutionNotAllowed -> RpcError.ErrorOnly "Substitution predicates are not allowed here"
IncorrectSymbolArity p s expected got ->
( "Inconsistent pattern. Symbol '"
<> Syntax.getId s
<> "' expected "
<> (pack $ show expected)
<> " arguments but got "
<> (pack $ show got)
wrap :: Text -> Syntax.KorePattern -> RpcError.ErrorWithTermAndContext
wrap err p = RpcError.ErrorWithTerm err $ addHeader p

NotSupported p ->
wrap "Pattern not supported" p
NoTermFound p ->
wrap "Pattern must contain at least one term" p
PatternSortError p sortErr ->
wrap (renderSortError sortErr) p
InconsistentPattern p ->
wrap "Inconsistent pattern" p
TermExpected p ->
wrap "Expected a term but found a predicate" p
PredicateExpected p ->
wrap "Expected a predicate but found a term" p
UnknownSymbol sym p ->
wrap ("Unknown symbol '" <> Syntax.getId sym <> "'") p
MacroOrAliasSymbolNotAllowed sym p ->
wrap ("Symbol '" <> Syntax.getId sym <> "' is a macro/alias") p
SubstitutionNotAllowed -> RpcError.ErrorOnly "Substitution predicates are not allowed here"
IncorrectSymbolArity p s expected got ->
( "Inconsistent pattern. Symbol '"
<> Syntax.getId s
<> "' expected "
<> (pack $ show expected)
<> " arguments but got "
<> (pack $ show got)
wrap :: Text -> Syntax.KorePattern -> RpcError.ErrorWithTermAndContext
wrap err p = RpcError.ErrorWithTerm err $ addHeader p

data SortError
= UnknownSort Syntax.Sort
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions library/Booster/Syntax/ParsedKore/Internalise.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ import Booster.Syntax.Json.Internalise
import Booster.Syntax.ParsedKore.Base
import Booster.Syntax.ParsedKore.Parser (ParsedSentence (SentenceSymbol), parseSentence)
import Booster.Util (Flag (..))
import Kore.JsonRpc.Error qualified as RpcError
import Kore.Syntax.Json.Types (Id, Sort)
import Kore.Syntax.Json.Types qualified as Syntax
import qualified Kore.JsonRpc.Error as RpcError

{- | Traverses all modules of a parsed definition, to build internal
@KoreDefinition@s for each of the modules (when used as the main
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1337,8 +1337,11 @@ definitionErrorToRpcError = \case
DuplicateAliases aliases ->
"DuplicateAliases" `withContext` map (.name.getId) aliases
DefinitionPatternError ref patErr ->
let err@RpcError.ErrorWithTermAndContext{context} = patternErrorToRpcError patErr in
err{RpcError.context = Just $ "Pattern error at " <> render ref <> " in definition": fromMaybe [] context}
let err@RpcError.ErrorWithTermAndContext{context} = patternErrorToRpcError patErr
in err
{ RpcError.context =
Just $ "Pattern error at " <> render ref <> " in definition" : fromMaybe [] context
DefinitionAxiomError (MalformedRewriteRule rule) ->
"Malformed rewrite rule" `withContext` [renderOneLineText $ location rule]
DefinitionAxiomError (MalformedEquation rule) ->
Expand All @@ -1347,7 +1350,7 @@ definitionErrorToRpcError = \case
"Unknown kind of axiom" `withContext` [renderOneLineText $ location rule]
other ->
RpcError.ErrorOnly $ render other
withContext :: Text -> [Text] -> RpcError.ErrorWithTermAndContext
withContext = RpcError.ErrorWithContext

Expand All @@ -1358,7 +1361,6 @@ definitionErrorToRpcError = \case
either (const "unknown location") pretty $
runExcept (Attributes.readLocation rule.attributes)

data AliasError
= UnknownAlias AliasName
| WrongAliasSortCount ParsedAlias
Expand Down

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