This library contains the implementations of various merkle tree verification algorithms. Currently supported algorithms:
- Merkle Trees (supports unbalanced trees).
- Merkle Mountain Ranges.
- Merkle-Patricia Trie.
npm install @polytope-labs/solidity-merkle-trees
This algorithm is based on the research done here:
You can use it to verify proofs like so:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@polytope-labs/solidity-merkle-trees/MerkleMultiProof.sol";
contract YourContract {
function verify(
bytes32 root,
Node[][] memory proof,
Node[] leaves
) public {
require(MerkleMultiProof.VerifyProof(root, proof, leaves), "Invalid proof");
You can generate the 2D merkle multi proofs using this rust lib polytope-labs/rs-merkle
This algorithm is based on the research done here:
You can use it to verify proofs like so:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@polytope-labs/solidity-merkle-trees/MerkleMountainRange.sol";
contract YourContract {
function verify(
bytes32 root,
bytes32[] memory proof,
MmrLeaf[] memory leaves,
uint256 mmrSize
) public {
require(MerkleMountainRange.VerifyProof(root, proof, leaves, mmrSize), "Invalid proof");
You can derive the k-indices for the mmr leaves using this rust lib polytope-labs/merkle-mountain-range.
This library also supports the verification of the different styles of merkle patricia tries:
- Substrate
- Ethereum
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@polytope-labs/solidity-merkle-trees/MerklePatricia.sol";
contract YourContract {
function verify(
bytes32 root,
bytes[] memory proof,
bytes[] memory keys,
) public {
bytes[] values = MerklePatricia.VerifySubstrateProof(root, proof, keys); // verifies proofs from state.getReadProof
// do something with the verified values.
This guide assumes Rust...along with it's nightly version, Solidity, cargo-fuzz and Forge are installed, if not browse the official websites/repositories for instructions.
Change into the forge directory and build the contracts;
cd forge
forge build
To run the unit tests associated with the Merkle Multi Proof library;
cargo test --lib merkle_multi_proof
To run the unit tests associated with the Merkle Mountain Range library;
cargo test --lib merkle_mountain_range
To run the unit and fuzz tests associated with the Merkle Patricia Trie library;
cargo test --lib merkle_patricia
cargo +nightly fuzz run trie_proof_valid
cargo +nightly fuzz run trie_proof_invalid
Execute the following commands in the project directory:
git submodule update --init --recursive
# run tests for all merkle verifiers
docker run --memory="24g" --rm --user root -v "$PWD":/app -w /app rust:latest cargo test --release --manifest-path=./forge/Cargo.toml
# fuzz the merkle-patricia verifier
docker build -t test .
docker run --memory="24g" --rm --user root -v "$PWD":/app -w /app/forge/fuzz test cargo +nightly fuzz run trie_proof_valid
docker run --memory="24g" --rm --user root -v "$PWD":/app -w /app/forge/fuzz test cargo +nightly fuzz run trie_proof_invalid
This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, Copyright (c) 2023 Polytope Labs.