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A comprehensive Infrastructure-as-Code solution that automates AWS infrastructure deployment using Terraform 1.11 and GitHub Actions. This project implements robust security practices and a multi-environment workflow (dev, stg, pro) to ensure consistent, controlled, and scalable deployments


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AWS + Terraform + GitHub Actions Project

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites for Beginners
  3. Project Architecture
  4. Project Structure
  5. Required Tools
  6. AWS IAM User Configuration
  7. GitHub Configuration
  8. Initial Setup
  9. Development Workflow
  10. Security and Access Flow
  11. Best Practices
  12. Troubleshooting Common Issues
  13. Advanced Configuration
  14. References
  15. Support


This project provides a comprehensive infrastructure-as-code (IaC) solution using Terraform 1.11, AWS, and GitHub Actions. It's designed to help teams efficiently manage and deploy cloud infrastructure with best practices for multi-environment setups.

Prerequisites for Beginners

What You'll Need to Know

  • Cloud Computing Basics: Understanding of cloud concepts like regions, services, and infrastructure
  • Version Control: Basic familiarity with Git and GitHub
  • Command Line: Comfort with using terminal/command prompt

Learning Resources

If you're new to these technologies, consider reviewing:

Project Architecture

The project creates a robust, scalable infrastructure for each environment (dev, stg, pro):

  • 4 S3 Buckets with specific purposes:
    • [environment]-project-name-landing_s3: Initial data landing zone
    • [environment]-project-name-raw_s3: Raw, unprocessed data storage
    • [environment]-project-name-curated_s3: Cleaned and transformed data
    • [environment]-project-name-ready_s3: Processed data ready for consumption

Key Features

  • Private bucket configurations
  • Versioning enabled for data tracking
  • Modular infrastructure design
  • Consistent naming conventions
  • Environment-specific deployments

Project Structure

├── .github/
│   └── workflows/
│       └── terraform-deploy.yml     # CI/CD Workflow Configuration
├── terraform/
│   ├── modules/
│   │   └── s3-buckets/              # Reusable S3 Bucket Module
│   │       ├──              # S3 Resource Definitions
│   │       ├──         # Configurable Module Parameters
│   │       └──           # Module Output Definitions
│   ├──                      # Primary Infrastructure Configuration
│   ├──                 # Project-Wide Variables
│   ├──                   # Project Output Definitions
│   └──                 # Cloud Provider Configuration
├── scripts/
│   └──                 # Infrastructure Initialization Script
└──                        # Project Documentation

Required Tools

  1. Terraform 1.11

  2. AWS CLI

  3. Git

AWS IAM User Configuration

Creating an IAM User with Sufficient Permissions

  1. Access AWS IAM Console

    • Log in to the AWS Management Console
    • Navigate to IAM (Identity and Access Management)
  2. Create New IAM User

    • Go to "Users" > "Add users"
    • Choose a descriptive username (e.g., terraform-deployment-user)
    • Select "Provide user access to the AWS Management Console" (optional)
  3. Set Permissions

    • Create a custom policy with the following JSON:
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Sid": "FullS3Access",
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": "s3:*",
                  "Resource": "*"
    • Note: This policy provides full S3 access. In a production environment, consider using more restrictive, least-privilege permissions.
  4. Generate Access Credentials

    • After user creation, go to the user's security credentials
    • Create an access key
    • IMPORTANT: Save the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key immediately
    • These will be used only once, so store them securely

GitHub Configuration

Creating and Configuring Environments

Before adding variables or secrets, you must first create each environment in GitHub:

  1. Create the Environments

    • Navigate to your repository's Settings
    • In the sidebar, select Environments
    • Create three environments: dev, stg, and pro
  2. Configure Environment Variables for Each Environment

    For dev Environment:

    Variable Value
    AWS_REGION eu-region-xx
    S3_BUCKET_CURATED dev-project-name-curated_s3
    S3_BUCKET_LANDING dev-project-name-landing_s3
    S3_BUCKET_RAW dev-project-name-raw_s3
    S3_BUCKET_READY dev-project-name-ready_s3
    TERRAFORM_STATE_BUCKET dev-project-name-terraform-state

    For stg Environment:

    Variable Value
    AWS_REGION eu-region-xx
    S3_BUCKET_CURATED stg-project-name-curated_s3
    S3_BUCKET_LANDING stg-project-name-landing_s3
    S3_BUCKET_RAW stg-project-name-raw_s3
    S3_BUCKET_READY stg-project-name-ready_s3
    TERRAFORM_STATE_BUCKET stg-project-name-terraform-state

    For pro Environment:

    Variable Value
    AWS_REGION eu-region-xx
    S3_BUCKET_CURATED pro-project-name-curated_s3
    S3_BUCKET_LANDING pro-project-name-landing_s3
    S3_BUCKET_RAW pro-project-name-raw_s3
    S3_BUCKET_READY pro-project-name-ready_s3
    TERRAFORM_STATE_BUCKET pro-project-name-terraform-state
  3. Configure Secrets for Each Environment

    • Within each environment, add these secrets:
      • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS access key ID
      • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS secret access key
  4. Branch Protection Rules

    • Navigate to Settings > Branches
    • Add rules for develop, staging, and main branches
    • Require pull request reviews before merging
    • Require status checks to pass before merging

Initial Setup

1. Prepare Your Environment

# Verify installed tools
terraform version
aws --version
git --version

# Configure AWS CLI
aws configure

2. Clone the Repository

git clone <repository-url>
cd aws-terraform-project

3. Create Environment Branches

# Create and publish environment-specific branches
git checkout -b develop
git add .
git commit -m "Initial project configuration"
git push -u origin develop

git checkout -b staging
git push -u origin staging

git checkout -b main
git push -u origin main

4. Bootstrap Script Overview

The script performs initial setup for each environment:

# Usage: ./ <environment> <region>
# Example: ./ dev eu-region-xx


if [ -z "$ENVIRONMENT" ] || [ -z "$REGION" ]; then
  echo "Error: Missing parameters"
  echo "Usage: ./ <environment> <region>"
  exit 1

# Create S3 bucket for Terraform state
echo "Creating Terraform state bucket: $BUCKET_NAME"
aws s3api create-bucket \
  --bucket $BUCKET_NAME \
  --region $REGION \
  --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$REGION

# Enable versioning on the state bucket
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning \
  --bucket $BUCKET_NAME \
  --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled

echo "Terraform state bucket created and configured successfully."

5. Initialize Infrastructure

cd scripts
chmod +x

# Initialize each environment
./ dev eu-region-xx
./ stg eu-region-xx
./ pro eu-region-xx

Development Workflow

Deployment Process Flowchart

flowchart TD
    A[Developer Starts] --> B{Choose Environment}
    B --> |Dev| C[Create Feature Branch]
    B --> |Staging| D[Prepare Staging Changes]
    B --> |Production| E[Prepare Production Release]
    C --> F[Make Terraform Changes]
    D --> F
    E --> F
    F --> G[Run Terraform Plan]
    G --> H{Plan Successful?}
    H --> |Yes| I[Create Pull Request]
    H --> |No| J[Fix Terraform Configuration]
    I --> K[Peer Review]
    J --> F
    K --> L{Approved?}
    L --> |Yes| M[Merge to Environment Branch]
    L --> |No| N[Request Changes]
    M --> O[GitHub Actions Trigger]
    O --> P[Terraform Apply]
    P --> Q[Infrastructure Updated]
    N --> K
    Q --> R[Monitor and Validate]
    R --> S[Update Documentation]
    S --> T[End]

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Branch Strategy

    git checkout develop
    git pull
    git checkout -b feature/new-functionality
  2. Make Changes

    • Modify Terraform configurations
    • Test locally with terraform plan
  3. Pull Request Process

    • Create PR to environment branch
    • Automated terraform plan runs
    • Peer review required
  4. Merge and Deploy

    • Approved PRs trigger terraform apply
    • Automatic infrastructure updates

Security and Access Flow

Infrastructure Access Mechanism

The project implements a robust security model that ensures controlled and traceable infrastructure deployments. The following diagram illustrates the access and deployment workflow:

    participant DEV as Developer
    participant GH as GitHub Actions
    participant AWS as AWS Infrastructure
    participant S3 as S3 Buckets
    DEV->>GH: Push Code Changes
    GH->>AWS: Authenticate with IAM Credentials
    AWS-->>GH: Access Granted
    GH->>AWS: Terraform Plan
    AWS-->>GH: Execution Plan
    alt Successful Plan
        GH->>AWS: Terraform Apply
        AWS->>S3: Create/Update Buckets
        S3-->>AWS: Configuration Complete
    else Plan Fails
        GH-->>DEV: Notify Plan Failure
    Note over DEV,S3: Strict Access Control
    Note over AWS: Least Privilege Principle

Key Security Principles

  1. Principle of Least Privilege

    • IAM users are granted only the minimum permissions necessary
    • Custom IAM policies restrict access to specific resources
    • Separate credentials for each environment
  2. Controlled Deployment Process

    • All infrastructure changes go through GitHub Actions
    • Mandatory code review and approval process
    • Automated planning and validation before deployment
  3. Secure Credential Management

    • AWS credentials stored as encrypted GitHub secrets
    • No hard-coded credentials in the repository
    • Regular credential rotation recommended

Best Practices

  • Always use descriptive commit messages
  • Keep modules small and reusable
  • Use consistent naming conventions
  • Implement proper access controls
  • Regularly update provider versions

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Authentication Problems

  • Ensure AWS credentials are correctly configured in GitHub secrets
  • Check IAM user permissions to verify they have the necessary access
  • Verify that access keys are current and not expired

Terraform State Issues

  • If state becomes out of sync, use terraform refresh to update it
  • Never manually modify Terraform state files
  • Check S3 bucket permissions if you encounter access denied errors

GitHub Actions Workflow Failures

  • Verify that environment variables are correctly configured
  • Check that branch names match the expected patterns (develop, staging, main)
  • Review workflow logs to identify specific error messages

S3 Bucket Creation Failures

  • Check for naming conflicts (bucket names must be globally unique)
  • Verify that you have permission to create S3 buckets
  • Ensure region constraints are properly configured

Advanced Configuration

Extending the Project

  • Create new modules in terraform/modules/
  • Define resources, variables, outputs
  • Reference from terraform/

Adding Additional AWS Resources

To incorporate more AWS services beyond S3 buckets:

  1. Create appropriate modules for each resource type
  2. Define variables for environment-specific configurations
  3. Update GitHub Actions workflow as needed for additional permissions



Encounter issues? Check our troubleshooting section or open a GitHub issue in the repository for assistance.


A comprehensive Infrastructure-as-Code solution that automates AWS infrastructure deployment using Terraform 1.11 and GitHub Actions. This project implements robust security practices and a multi-environment workflow (dev, stg, pro) to ensure consistent, controlled, and scalable deployments








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