Releases: rtr46/meiki
Releases · rtr46/meiki
meiki v0.0.3
new features
- keyboard emulation: in the config you can specify gamepad -> keyboard mappings like: "KeyboardEmulation=Y:VK_F9,DUp:VK_SPACE". This can be useful if you want to control games that only support keyboard inputs or programs like video players with your gamepad
- ability to load configs via command line arguments: since different games/programs may require different key bindings, you now can tell meiki which config file to use via command line argument like so: "meiki.exe config.for.mpv.ini". You can also just drag-and-drop a config on the exe to load it
- set screenshot resolution: until now meiki took 1920x1080 screenshots of the primary screen when marking unknown words. Now you can specify a custom resolution via ScreenshotWidth and ScreenshotHeight config parameter. It is still not perfect, but makes the screenshot feature more useful on displays with 1440p or 4k resolutions
- generate kanji lists: meiki now automatically generates kanji lists for all.sentences.txt and known.sentences.txt on startup. That way you can track how many kanjis you have encountered and marked as known
- play a sound on words not marked as known: you can set the config parameter PlaySoundForUnkownVocab to true, to have meiki play a system sound whenever you encounter words that are not marked as known. The notification can help you decided whether or not to open the overlay or to mark a sentences as known
bug fixes
- the furigana feature was broken in v0.0.2. It should work again
meiki v0.0.2
Change Log:
- fixed bug where unassigned buttons were mapped to DUp
- smoother scrolling
- fixed the clipboard sentence in the gui, so it stays on top when scrolling
- more compact gui layout
- possibility to filter out tokens that have been previously marked as known (config name "FilterKnownWords" - false by default)
meiki v0.0.1
i hope you enjoy