I'm following your examples here and I'm trying to validate the payment method billing address and display errors but only a generic error message is displayed in the PaymentRequest dialog saying There was an error while placing your order. Please try again!
Displaying errors for the shipping address works just fine.
I'm trying to add the following error object for testing in the paymentRequest.retry(errors)
let errors = {
paymentMethod: {
cardNumber: "asd",
cardholderName: "asd",
cardSecurityCode: "asd",
expiryMonth: "asd",
expiryYear: "asd",
billingAddress: {
addressLine: "asd",
region: "ads",
I tried to register the request.onpaymentmethodchange event but it never gets called.
Do you have an example on how to achieve that? Or any suggestion on the correct way to implement the billing address validation for the selected payment method?