Table of Contents
This repository proves pman
-- a process manager.
Most simply, pman
manages processes, i.e. programs or applications that are run by an underlying system. Typically, these processes are command line applications (i.e. have no GUI) and usually do not interact really with a user at all. The primary purpose of pman
is to provide other software agents the ability to execute processes via http
Originally, pman
was designed to track simple processes executed on the local system. In addition, pman
keeps a record of the current and historical state of processes that it has executed and is thus able to respond to queries about the processes. Some of the queries that pman
can address are
- state: Is job <XYZ> still running?
- result: What is the stdout (or stderr) from job <XYZ>?
- control: Kill job <XYZ>
also maintains a persistent human-readable/friendly database-in-the-filesystem of jobs and states of jobs.
Current versions of pman
however can use container-based backends (swarm and openshift) to execute processes. In those cases, the internal database of tracking jobs becomes superfluous. Future versions of pman
might depreciate the local/internal DB tracking.
Installation is relatively straightforward, and we recommend using either python virtual environments or docker.
On Ubuntu, install the Python virtual environment creator
sudo apt install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
Then, create a directory for your virtual environments e.g.:
mkdir ~/python-envs
You might want to add to your .bashrc file these two lines:
export WORKON_HOME=~/python-envs
source /usr/local/bin/
(Note depending on distro, the
path might be
Then you can source your .bashrc and create a new Python3 virtual environment:
source .bashrc
mkvirtualenv --python=python3 python_env
To activate or "enter" the virtual env:
workon python_env
To deactivate virtual env:
The easiest option however, is to just use the fnndsc/pman
docker pull fnndsc/pman
and then run
docker run --name pman \
-v /home:/Users \
--rm -ti \
fnndsc/pman \
--rawmode 1 --http \
--port 5010 \
--listeners 12
For pman
detailed information, see the pman wiki page.
[--ip <IP>]
The IP interface on which to listen.
[--port <port>]
The port on which to listen. Defaults to '5010'.
[--protocol <protcol>]
The protocol to interpret. Defaults to 'tcp'.
Internal zmq socket server mode. A value of '1' is usually used
[--listeners <numberOfListenerThreads>]
The number of internal threads to which requests are dispatched.
Send return strings as HTTP formatted replies with content-type html.
If specified, send debugging results to file.
[--debugToFile <file>]
In conjunction with --debugToFile, file which will receive debugging info.
[--listenerSleep <time>]
A small delay in the listener loop to prevent busy-wait.
Default is 0.1 seconds.
[--DBsavePeriod <time>]
The periodicity in seconds for the internal DB save.
Enables token based authorization and can be configured to look for a .ini
file or an openshift secret.
[--tokenPath <tokenPath>]
Specify the absolute path to the token in the file system.
By default, this looks for the pfiohConfig.ini file in the current working directory.
Provide an overview help page.
Provide a synopsis help summary.
Print internal version number and exit.
[-v|--verbosity <level>]
Set the verbosity level. "0" typically means no/minimal output. Allows for
more fine tuned output control as opposed to '--quiet' that effectively
silences everything.
--container-env <env>
The container env within which to run.
Start pman
with 12 listeners:
pman \\
--ip \\
--port 5010 \\
--rawmode 1 \\
--http \\
--listeners 12 \\
--verbosity 1