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Rails plugin to localize your rails app using Gettext, it doesn‘t try to cover localization, internationalization of models.It should work with Rails 2.0, 2.1 and has been tested with the following languages: catalan, spanish, english, french, deutsch.


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= Gettext Localize

Authors:: Ramon Salvadó <>, Miquel Ibero, Pau Colomer


Any questions/comments can be addressed to Ramon Salvadó <>

This plugin is intended to help you localize your rails app using Gettext, it doesn't try to cover localization of models.
It works with Rails 2.0 and 2.1
and has been tested with the following languages: catalan, spanish, english, french, deutsch.

== Installation

Needs to have the gettext gem installed:

<code>sudo gem install gettext</code>

To install the plugin:

<code>script/plugin install svn://</code>

== Features

- works with rails 2.0,2.1 and loads the correct ruby-gettext
- loads ruby-gettext with meaningful defaults, that can be overwritten at different levels
- simplifies translation with rake tasks
- set the locale in the controllers by query param, session, cookie or browser header
- translates dates and date helpers
- translates currencies and other text helpers
- translation entirely done with gettext, no per language ruby code

== Configuration

1. install gettext: gem install gettext
2. localize your app texts adding the gettext function <tt>_("translate this")</tt>
3. generate the application pot files: <tt>rake gettext:updatepo</tt> creates <tt>a po/app.pot</tt>
4. translate the messages creating a directory for every language: <tt>po/lang1/app.po</tt>
5. generate the mo files : <tt>rake gettext:makemo</tt>
6. define the default language (by default takes your <TT>$LANG</TT> environment variable) in your <tt>environment.rb</tt>

== Needed things

* ruby gettext: gem install gettext

== Priorities

1. locale set in controller with <tt>set_locale(lang)</tt>
2. locale set in environment with <tt>GettextLocalize::default_locale = lang</tt>
3. locale set in environment variable <TT>$LANG</TT>
4. locale set in this plugin <tt>init.rb</tt> with <tt>GettextLocalize::fallback_locale = lang</tt>

1. country set in controller with set_country(country)
2. country part of locale
3. country set in environment with GettextLocalize::default_country = country
4. country set in this plugins init.rb with GettextLocalize::fallback_country = country

1. textdomain set in plugin using <tt>plugin_bindtextdomain(textdomain)</tt>, uses loadpath <tt>RAILS_ROOT/vendor/plugins/$plugin/locale</tt>
2. textdomain set in controller with <tt>init_gettext(textdomain)</tt>, uses loadpath <tt>RAILS_ROOT/locale</tt>
3. textdomain set in <tt>environment.rb</tt> with <tt>GettextLocalize::default_textdomain = textdomain</tt>
4. app_name set in <tt>environment.rb</tt> with <tt>GettextLocalize::app_name = app</tt>
5. name of the directory the rails app is in

== Before filters in controller

Possible locale find methods are:

[+param+] looks for a GET or POST parameter named by default 'lang' or with the name specified
[+cookie+] looks for a cookie named by default 'lang'
[+session+] looks for a session variable named by default 'lang'
[+header+] looks for a HTTP user header named by default HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGES, sent by the web browser

Don't put set_locale(lang) directly in the controller, because it will
set the locale in all the aplication, use always before_filter.

=== Sample Configuration in environment.rb

 if defined? GettextLocalize
   GettextLocalize::app_name = 'app'
   GettextLocalize::app_version = '1.2.0'
   GettextLocalize::default_locale = 'ca_ES'
   GettextLocalize::default_methods = [:param, :session, :header]

=== Samples of controller filters

Tries to read the session from a param named 'locale', then from a session var named 'locale'
and the from the header, then falls back to fallback_locale.

 before_filter(:except=>"feed"){|c| c.set_locale_by [:param, :session, :header], 'locale' }

Sets the locale fixed but only in the controller.

 before_filter{|c| c.set_default_locale 'ca_ES' }

Sets the country fixed in the controller.

 before_filter{|c| c.set_default_country 'es' }

Sets the locale by cookie and if not by session.

 before_filter :set_locale_by_session
 before_filter :set_locale_by_cookie

== Times and Dates

The classes Time, Date and DateTime are overwritten to localize <tt>to_s</tt> and <tt>strftime</tt>

=== strftime

The formats are localized using gettext, so to add a locale you only need to translate
po/gettext_localize.pot the standard way

The following formats are overwritten:
[<tt>%A</tt>] full day of the week
[<tt>%a</tt>] abbreviated day of the week
[<tt>%B</tt>] full name of the month
[<tt>%b</tt>] abbreviated name of the month

The following formats are added:
[<tt>%V</tt>] day of the month and monthname, like '11 of September'
[<tt>%v</tt>] day of the month with zeros and monthname, like '04 of July'

The <tt>%V</tt> format is added because there are languages that vary the structure depending
of the monthname, for example in Catalan you say "5 de Desembre" and "11 d'Abril".

=== to_s

Rails adds standart to_s formats. You can say or 1.week.ago.to_s(:short).
These formats are also translated using gettext. We suppose :db and :rfc822 are not
translatable since they are used for data saving.

ActiveRecord is overwritten to save Dates using <tt>strftime("%Y-%m-%d")</tt> and not <tt>to_s</tt> wich can
be localized and would crash.

== Helpers

The countries.yml YAML file defines per country currency and date order options.

To set the year-month-day order depending on the locale:
- <tt>DateHelper::date_select</tt>
- <tt>DateHelper::select_date</tt>
- <tt>DateHelper::datetime_select</tt>
- <tt>DateHelper::select_datetime</tt>
- <tt>InstanceTag::to_datetime_select_tag</tt>

To set the currency depending on the country:
- <tt>NumberHelper::number_to_currency</tt>

To set the connector depending on the locale:
- <tt>Array::to_sentence</tt>

== Acknowledgments:

- Jester for Localization simplified plugin from which we borrowed some code/concepts.
- Masao Mutoh for ruby-gettext.


Rails plugin to localize your rails app using Gettext, it doesn‘t try to cover localization, internationalization of models.It should work with Rails 2.0, 2.1 and has been tested with the following languages: catalan, spanish, english, french, deutsch.







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