AdHoc PowerPoint Slide XML mangling tool to automate creation of merit badge slides for Court of Honor
With a troop of almost 100 Boy Scouts, updating PowerPoint slides for every Court of Honor can be a real time-sucker. This sloppy hack automates the biggest manual task of creating earned badges slides.
Current Data Formatting:
- Conform a list of Scouts in an Excel spreadsheet with four columns (LastName, FirstName, [Empty], Merit Badge Name)
- Name the Excel tab "Merit Badges", and save file as "COH.xlsx"
- You need a PowerPoint file with at least as many slides to overwrite as there are scouts in Excel spreadsheet (the hack doesn't insert)
- PowerPoint file should be named "CourtOfHonor.pptx"
- Run ScoutSlideMangler
Example .XLSX and .PPTX files are included to demonstrate exact formatting necessary to generate slides
TODO: Expand system to create a general purpose PowerPoint data merge template system