Beautiful home garden solution Android app developed using latest Android UI tool Jetpack Compose and implemented most of the new Android APIs.
Beautiful home garden solution Android app developed using latest Android UI tool Jetpack Compose and implemented most of the new Android APIs.
- Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 14
- Jetpack Compose
- Jetpack Compose Navigation
- Bottom Navigation Bar
- Architecture Componenets ViewModel
- StateFlow
- Hilt Dependency Injection
- Room Database
- Coil Image Loading library with Accompanist
- Lottie Animation with Jetpack Compose
- App Startup
- Work Manager
- Android 12 SplashScreen API with support from API 23
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase FireStore
- Firebase Storage
- Firebase Analytics
- This app is my demo application to explore all new Android features and APIs on my free time.
- Complete app developed with one single Activity
- Complete app developed without using traditional UI fragments and XML layouts
- No Fragments
- No XML
- No Data binding
- No LiveData and its dependencies (Used Kotlin StateFlow)