I am wondering if, rather than specifying the direction of alternative downstream in these other functions, it would be preferable to specify the alternative in getDesignGroupSequential
- the other functions could simply extract the direction of the alternative from the resulting trialDesignGroupSequential object.
This way, getDesignGroupSequential
returns appropriate one-sided boundaries for 'less than' hypotheses without having to make manual corrections. The reported boundaries, plot()
output, and so on would be ready to use both within and outside of RPACT, avoiding potential mistakes in manually correcting output (or failing to make that correction).
Just a thought for consideration: perhaps allow directionUpper to be passed as an argument in both getDesignGroupSequential
and those downstream functions. For downstream functions with one-sided designs, if directionUpper is NULL, the direction is extracted from the trialDesign object. If directions were specified in both the directionUpper and the trial design object, check to see if they are consistent, and throw an error if they are not.
As a programmer, I know that backwards compatibility and validation are nontrivial things, and things that seem superficially simple almost never are, and would understand if this is not worth the potential headaches.