You probably want to update your examples in the manual/ vignette about the custom sample size re-calculation functions: making it clear that allocationRatioPlanned is treated as a vector in the back end, not a scalar. Please see below example.
simpowerCPZ shows error message:
Error in fun(alternative = alternative, kMax = design$kMax, maxNumberOfIterations = maxNumberOfIterations, :
Evaluation error: the condition has length > 1.
simpowerCPZ2 uses allocationRatioPlanned[stage] instead and it runs fine.
n1<-8 #interim sample size/arm
Nmin<-15 #min sample size/arm
Nmax<-23 #max sample size/arm
designc<-getDesignInverseNormal(sided = 1, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2,kMax=2,informationRates=c(n1/Nmin,1),
typeOfDesign = "noEarlyEfficacy", typeBetaSpending = "bsHSD",gammaB = -3)
custom SSR function
myCPZSampleSizeCalculationFunction <- function(..., stage,
stDevH1) {
function adapted from example in ?getSimulationMeans
note conditionalCriticalValue gives the critical value on the mean/proportion level of current stage data alone
instead of the overall cumulative critical Values on the z-scale (uk) at current stage
it already took care of 1. the weights based inverse normal method 2. observed data from previous stages
and gives critical values with the design
calculateStageSubjects <- function(cp) {
(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)^2/allocationRatioPlanned *
(max(0, conditionalCriticalValue + stats::qnorm(cp)))^2 /
(max(1e-12, thetaH1/stDevH1))^2
Calculate sample size required to reach maximum desired conditional power
cp_max (provided as argument conditionalPower)
stageSubjectsCPmax <- calculateStageSubjects(cp = conditionalPower)
Calculate sample size required to reach minimum desired conditional power
cp_min (manually set for this example to 0.7)
stageSubjectsCPmin <- calculateStageSubjects(cp = 0.7)
Define stageSubjects
stageSubjects <- ceiling(min(max(minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage], stageSubjectsCPmax), maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage]))
Set stageSubjects to minimal sample size in case minimum conditional power
cannot be reached with available sample size
if (stageSubjectsCPmin > maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage]) {
stageSubjects <- minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage]
return sample size
custom SSR function
myCPZSampleSizeCalculationFunction2 <- function(..., stage,
stDevH1) {
function adapted from example in ?getSimulationMeans
note conditionalCriticalValue gives the critical value on the mean/proportion level of current stage data alone
instead of the overall cumulative critical Values on the z-scale (uk) at current stage
it already took care of 1. the weights based inverse normal method 2. observed data from previous stages
and gives critical values with the design
calculateStageSubjects <- function(cp) {
(1 + allocationRatioPlanned[stage])^2/allocationRatioPlanned[stage] *
(max(0, conditionalCriticalValue + stats::qnorm(cp)))^2 /
(max(1e-12, thetaH1/stDevH1))^2
Calculate sample size required to reach maximum desired conditional power
cp_max (provided as argument conditionalPower)
stageSubjectsCPmax <- calculateStageSubjects(cp = conditionalPower)
Calculate sample size required to reach minimum desired conditional power
cp_min (manually set for this example to 0.7)
stageSubjectsCPmin <- calculateStageSubjects(cp = 0.7)
Define stageSubjects
stageSubjects <- ceiling(min(max(minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage], stageSubjectsCPmax), maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage]))
Set stageSubjects to minimal sample size in case minimum conditional power
cannot be reached with available sample size
if (stageSubjectsCPmin > maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage]) {
stageSubjects <- minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage[stage]
return sample size
simpowerCPZ <- getSimulationMeans(designc,
alternative =0.65, stDev =0.7,
# cumulative overall sample size
plannedSubjects = 2 * c(n1, Nmin),
# stage-wise minimal overall sample size
minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = 2 * c(n1, (Nmin - n1)),
# stage-wise maximal overall sample size
maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = 2 * c(n1, (Nmax - n1)),
conditionalPower = 0.8,
thetaH1 = 0.5, stDevH1=0.7,
maxNumberOfIterations = 1000,
seed = 12345,
calcSubjectsFunction = myCPZSampleSizeCalculationFunction)
simpowerCPZ2 <- getSimulationMeans(designc,
alternative =0.65, stDev =0.7,
# cumulative overall sample size
plannedSubjects = 2 * c(n1, Nmin),
# stage-wise minimal overall sample size
minNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = 2 * c(n1, (Nmin - n1)),
# stage-wise maximal overall sample size
maxNumberOfSubjectsPerStage = 2 * c(n1, (Nmax - n1)),
conditionalPower = 0.8,
thetaH1 = 0.5, stDevH1=0.7,
maxNumberOfIterations = 1000,
seed = 12345,
calcSubjectsFunction = myCPZSampleSizeCalculationFunction2)