This is an ESP8266 library for Smart Tag-based Human Infection Reporting and Encounter Logging Device (SHIELD). The primary goal of this library is to easily implement SHIELD functionality.
To use the SHIELD library in an Arduino sketch, include SHIELDLib.h.
#include <SHIELDLib.h>
SHIELD implements four core funtionalities:
//placed on the setup()
shield.startDevice(); //Initializes and begins the SHIELD
//placed on the loop()
shield.displayDateTime(); //Displays the Date and Time on the OLED
shield.protocolbegin(); //Begins the SHIELD Protocol and Cryptography Modules
shield.listen(); //Sends profile and recieves transcript to and from other devices
SHIELD strictly follow the following file structuring schemes:
Beacon File Structuring
| |
| +--- Circadian
| | |
| | +--- circ_1642084941.shield
| |
| +--- Diagnosis Keys
| | |
| | +--- dk.shield
| |
| +--- Transcripts
| | |
| | +--- transcript_1642084941.shield
| |
| +--- Profile
| | |
| | +--- profile_1642084941.shield
| |
| +--- SmartTags
| |
| +--- smarttag_1642084941.shield
+--- Core
+--- SHIELDConfig.shield
SHIELD uses numerous third-party libraries to perform specific functions. These libraries are required and must be installed prior before using the SHIELD library.
Library | Description | Version |
SD.h | SD Card Functionality. | 1.2.4 |
SPI.h | Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Protocol for the SD Card Module. | Builtin |
Wire.h | I2C Protocol for Two-Wire modules. | Builtin |
RTClib.h | Real-time Clock (RTC) functionalities. | 2.0.2 |
FastLED.h | WS2811 RGB Led | |
PCF8574.h | PCF8574 GPIO Expander | |
WiFiUdp.h | Wi-Fi User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for NTP Functionality. | Builtin |
TimeLib.h | Date-Time related functionalities. | 1.6.1 |
base64.hpp | Base64 functionality | |
NTPClient.h | Network Time Protocol (NTP) functionalities. | 3.2.0 |
ESP8266WiFi.h | NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi functionalities. | Builtin |
ArduinoJson.h | JSON in Arduino. | 6.19.1 |
SoftwareSerial.h | Serial Communication |