This is my very own dotfile repo for keeping track of configurations across systems. I try to keep OS specific settings seperate. You're welcome to use this repo for for inspiration, and copy whatever you want.
noun: A file or directory whose name begins with a dot (period or full stop), typically hidden from view. ⎋
User-specific application configuration is traditionally stored in so called dotfiles. It is common practice to track dotfiles with a version control system such as Git to keep track of changes and synchronize dotfiles across various hosts. ⎋
If you want to create your own dotfile repo, I recommed reading this.
Disclaimer: You probably shouldn't. These config files contain lots of settings that might only work on my machine™. They are meant to replace the config files that are already on your computer, so things will probably break.
- The dotfiles will be placed relative to
, so make sure you are logged in with the right user, or change theclean
value in theinstall-[OS].conf.yaml
file. - Clone this repo to a place where you want to keep it permanently. A symlink to the folder will be placed at
. - Run
To install some initial tools, brew formulae and casks, run
When running or updating the script, keep in mind:
- It is safe to run several times.
- It does not require dotfiles to be installed, but some of the software requires setup from dotfiles to work properly.
Some version managers are installed instead of specific languages:
- node:
nvm install --lts && nvm use --lts
- python:
pyenv install 3.9 && pyenv global 3.9
- ruby:
rbenv install 2.7.6 && rbenv global 2.7.6
To install the config files for Sublime Text 3, a few additional steps is required.
- Install Sublime Text 3
- Remove the
folder (Located at~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User
on macOS). - Run
- Make sure Package Control is installed
I use Dotbot by Anish Athalye to handle installation: