Releases: ros-visualization/rviz_animated_view_controller
Releases · ros-visualization/rviz_animated_view_controller
Release 0.2.0
0.2.0 (2021-08-19)
- add license file
- fix typo in README image link
- clip gif a bit shorter
- add README and demo gif
- Add option to pause the current animation
- Publish camera view images
- accidentally deleted cv_bridge and image_transport
- fix dependencies in package.xml
- Add publisher for the current view camera pose
- Add properties showing view window size in panel
- Add support for camera trajectories messages
- switch ci to use noetic-devel branch
- add bool property allowing the user to activate publishing of the view images in the view controller
Is automatically activated when a trajectory is requested to be rendered frame by frame. - add image publisher for rviz camera's view
Publish what the user sees in the rviz visualization window.
Publishing is only active when the render_frame_by_frame parameter is set to true in the CameraTrajectory message requesting the trajectory.
Otherwise there is a lag on slower computers when the resolution of the view image is large. - add publisher for a message to indicate the animation is finished
- add functionality to render the trajectory frame by frame with a specified number of frames per second
- add support for view_controller_msgs::CameraTrajectory messages
First, the movements requested using the CameraPlacement or CameraTrajectory messages are stored in a movement buffer.
Then, animation is enabled, causing the update method to use the movements from the buffer to perform camera movements. - convert transformCameraPlacementToAttachedFrame method's parameter from whole CameraPlacement to only the relevant eye, focus and up
this way the method is more general - add gh actions and gitignore
- compile on kinetic Qt5
- add myself as maintainer (
#8 <>
_) - Contributors: Evan Flynn, Gene Merewether, Razlaw, razlaw