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Lychee Curry

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@adamhsparks adamhsparks released this 15 Dec 03:19
· 71 commits to main since this release

getCRUCLdata 1.0.0

Major changes

  • The cache is now where ever tools::R_user_dir(package = "getCRUCLdata", which = "cache") is defined by R (>= 4.0.0) and should align with CRAN standards, so it might be possible to get this back on CRAN

  • Depends on R (>= 4.0.0)

  • {data.table} is no longer imported as a whole

Minor changes

  • {cli} is used for errors that are emitted to the user

  • Many internal changes including code linting and styling to improve code smells

  • Improved documentation

  • Use {roxyglobals} for undefined globals