Who is the audience?
Who might want to know this? What other groups or organizations might be interested?
- diverse set of users and developers from academia, government, industry
Why is this important?
- Many rOpenSci packages have been included in the hydrology task view (bomrang, clifro, dbhydroR, GSODR, hddtools, hydroscoper, MODIStsp, rnoaa, smapr, tidyhydat, weathercan)
- use of R in hydrology is increasing
- researchers already recognize the value of community and are working to build this up
What should be covered?
- both technical and community aspects
Suggested speakers or contributors
- one or more of the authors of post, task view and paper below e.g. Louise Slater and someone who has developed and had their package peer reviewed by rOpenSci
Resources you would recommend to the audience
From rOpenSci
- rOpenSci blog post Getting your toes wet in R: Hydrology, meteorology, and more, by Sam Albers, Ilaria Prosdocimi, Sam Zipper
- CRAN Task View: Hydrological Data and Modeling lists over a hundred packages for data retrieval, analysis and modelling
- Using R in hydrology: a review of recent developments and future directions