Who is the audience?
Who might want to know this? What other groups or organizations might be interested?
Seems like this one might have broad interest. Curious to hear who.
- researchers
- librarians
- people in pharmaceutical or health industries
- journals, arxivs
- orgs for which rOpenSci has packages
- CrossRef, ORCID, PLOS, Europe PubMed Central, BiomedCentral, arXiv, medRxiv, bioRxiv, JSTOR, IEEE Xplore, Open Archives Initiative
Why is this important?
What should be covered?
- metadata (crossref, orcid etc)
- full text data
- citation data?
Suggested speakers or contributors
- @sckott, since he has developed many of these tools, people sharing use cases, maybe some of the authors of posts below
Resources you would recommend to the audience
From rOpenSci:
- Literature category of rOpenSci Packages
- fulltext: Behind the Scenes, by Scott Chamberlain
- Searching medRxiv and bioRxiv Preprint Data, by Luke McGuinness @mcguinlu
- Automating Website Updates with the europepmc and rAltmetric Packages, by Zhang-He Goh, Jonny Coates, Hugo Gruson @Bisaloo
- pubchunks: extract parts of scholarly XML articles, by Scott Chamberlain
- citecorp: working with open citations, by Scott Chamberlain
- see "Querying the scientific literature" in What have these birds been studied for? Querying science outputs with R, by Maëlle Salmon