Idea for virtual rOpenHack2021 experiment
Part 1. Community Call on tools in a research domain e.g. hydrology or Antarctic
- Anyone can attend, plus prepares people for Part 2.
- Developers talk about the R and rOpenSci tools and example use cases in that domain; signal what kinds of input they want (documentation, user feedback, work on open issues).
- Make explicit that we value all types of contributions; does not require coding.
- Prior to call, devs label their GitHub issues in prep for Part 2
- maybe have 30 min at end for people to chat with devs about what they might want to work on?
Part 2. 4 weeks after Community Call, a 3-4 hr hack on those tools
- Requires registration and participating in or watching video of Part 1
- Prior to event, participants should comment on issue(s) they'd like to work on and get response / advice / approval of approach from maintainer
- people work in different Zoom rooms where rooms are labelled and people can choose to move between rooms e.g. work on specific tools, help desk, social “take a break” room
- Enable zoom whiteboard. (Or google jam. Miro or mural)
- Every hack room has at least one tool developer
- Everyone leaves having met at least one developer in that domain and one member of rOpenSci team
- End with 5 min presentation by each dev on what things people contributed and what the devs got out of it
- One goal is to have pull requests merged after the event
- Publish summary blog post
Potential Contributions
- Tutorials/vignette
- Documentation
- Features
- Bug fixes
- User feedback
- Write up use cases & post to public forum
Social facilitation
- 2 weeks prior to Part 2, send short questionnaire (copied from past unconfs) to help people mentally prep
- Have 1:1 or 1:3 pre-hack meetings with participants to prepare them to participate & demo platform if needed.
- GitHub, Zoom, Slack,
Staff roles
- event facilitator should be separate from other roles
- people who monitor zoom chat, slack, mute folks in zoom, create zoom breakout rooms,
- run help desk room
- Run “take a break” social room
- Participating packages must have open issues labelled
help wanted
,good first issue
etc- What label should we use to indicate the developer wants user feedback?
- maybe we can host a 1.5-hr rOpenSci label-athon prior to Part 1, open to anyone who wants to set aside time to label issues
- Requires time and effort of a group of developers in a research domain
- Timezones!
- depending on the research domain and its developers, run it at best time for them and consider running a second edition with different developer-leads in a different time slot
Thank you's
Thanks to Rachael Ainsworth and Anthony Arendt for conversations as @steffilazerte and I hatched this plan.