Android application made for participating in an online coding challenge conducted by Hackearth
The "Hackearth News" android app is an app to read and interact with the newsfeeds coming from a server.
You can download the apk file directly from the following dropbox link :
- Fetch, parse JSON data from a server url ( and display it as a listview.
- Option for user to mark the news as "favourate" and section to view only favourite news in separate tab.
- Option to view the news in fullscreen with swipe down option to view the next news.
- Option to sort the news based on the ascending or descending order of the timestamp of the news.
- Option to sort the news based on the Category of the news.
- Load the full content of the news in a webview implemented within the app on click of a news item from the list view.
- RecyclerView
- BottomNavigationView
- DrawerLayout
- CircleImageView
- CardView
- WebViewe
- VerticalViewPager