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now to start the node with goerli enabled

roninkaizen edited this page Nov 17, 2018 · 6 revisions

with the binary compiled just a minute ago, you might like to start the fresh compiled parity-clique-version with the goerli-testnet to find out what you want to test for yourself.

this is also to be done from the target/release directory

e.g. ubuntu@ubu1:~/parity-ethereum-clique/target/release$
./parity which would not bring too much- never tried to watch what might happen

with two essential files the testnet becomes reachable and defined:

the goerli.json available only here:

and the bootnodes available only here:

combined with the "fresh compiled" binary the command to start it (hopefully) successful is

./parity --base-path /tmp/goerli/parity --chain goerli.json --reserved-peers bootnodes.txt

the command means that you have to downloaded (curl/wget/whatever) both above mentioned files into the /release folder and check if they are existent and readable for parity "itself"-
otherwise errors might be thrown, which not belong to parity but but location of the files.
pressing enter afterwards- it starts

within less than 6 hours builded and startable on an outdated standard (64bit) notebook ;-)

very nice work guys, thanks a lot for providing the code to test!