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Simn committed Jul 23, 2012
1 parent b478e8f commit 2531af2
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Showing 13 changed files with 579 additions and 181 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ EXPORT=../../../projects/motionTools/haxe

MODULES=ast type lexer common genxml parser typecore optimizer typeload \
codegen genas3 gencommon gencpp genjs genneko genphp genswf8 \
gencs genjava genswf9 interp genswf typer main
gencs genjava genswf9 interp genswf typer dce main


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ codegen.cmx: typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx genxml.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

common.cmx: type.cmx ast.cmx

dce.cmx: type.cmx typer.cmx

genas3.cmx: type.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx

gencommon.cmx: type.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
Expand All @@ -90,7 +92,7 @@ genxml.cmx: type.cmx lexer.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

interp.cmx: typecore.cmx type.cmx lexer.cmx genneko.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx

main.cmx: typer.cmx typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx optimizer.cmx lexer.cmx interp.cmx genxml.cmx genswf.cmx genphp.cmx genneko.cmx genjs.cmx genjava.cmx gencs.cmx gencpp.cmx genas3.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx
main.cmx: dce.cmx typer.cmx typeload.cmx typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx optimizer.cmx lexer.cmx interp.cmx genxml.cmx genswf.cmx genphp.cmx genneko.cmx genjs.cmx genjava.cmx gencs.cmx gencpp.cmx genas3.cmx common.cmx codegen.cmx ast.cmx

optimizer.cmx: typecore.cmx type.cmx parser.cmx common.cmx ast.cmx

Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,9 @@ let add_feature com f =
Hashtbl.replace com.features f true

let rec has_feature com f =
(* disabled for now because of problems with new DCE *)
(* try
Hashtbl.find com.features f
with Not_found ->
if com.types = [] then defined com "all_features" else
Expand All @@ -242,15 +244,15 @@ let rec has_feature com f =
let r = (try
let path = List.rev pack, cl in
(match List.find (fun t -> t_path t = path && not (has_meta ":realPath" (t_infos t).mt_meta)) com.types with
| t when meth = "*" -> (not com.dead_code_elimination) || has_meta ":?used" (t_infos t).mt_meta
| t when meth = "*" -> (not com.dead_code_elimination) || has_meta ":used" (t_infos t).mt_meta
| TClassDecl c -> PMap.exists meth c.cl_statics || PMap.exists meth c.cl_fields
| _ -> false)
with Not_found ->
) in
let r = r || defined com "all_features" in
Hashtbl.add com.features f r;
r *)

let error msg p = raise (Abort (msg,p))

Expand Down
328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
* Haxe DCE:
* With this new approach the typer is almost not aware of DCE at all. It instead types what
* it needs to types (and usually some more) and DCE then takes care of cleaning up. It does
* so by following the typed AST expressions and mark accessed classes and fields as used.
* The algorithm works as follows:
* 1. Find all entry point class fields:
* - the main method if exists
* - methods marked as @:keep
* - methods of classes marked as @:keep
* 2. Mark implementing/overriding fields of these entry points as @:?used.
* 3. Mark entry points as @:used.
* 4. Follow the field expressions (if exists) and see what other classes/fields are added,
* e.g. by a TField or TNew AST node.
* 5. If new fields were added, go back to 2 with the new fields as entry points.
* 6. Filter the types by keeping those that are used explicitly or have a used field.
* Notes:
* - the only influence of the typer is @:?used marking on structural subtyping
* - properties are currently tricky to handle on some targets
* - cpp target does not like removing unused overridden fields
* - most targets seem to require keeping a property field even if it is used only through its accessor methods
* - I did not consider inlining at all because I'm pretty sure I don't have to at this compilation stage

open Ast
open Common
open Type
open Typecore

type dce = {
ctx : typer;
all_types : module_type list;
debug : bool;
expr : dce -> texpr -> unit;
mutable added_fields : (tclass * tclass_field * bool) list;

(* checking *)

(* check for @:keepSub metadata, which forces @:keep on child classes *)
let rec super_forces_keep c =
has_meta ":keepSub" c.cl_meta || match c.cl_super with
| Some (csup,_) -> super_forces_keep csup
| _ -> false

(* check if a class is kept entirely *)
let keep_whole_class dce c =
has_meta ":keep" c.cl_meta
|| super_forces_keep c
|| (match c with
| { cl_extern = true }
| { cl_path = ["flash";"_Boot"],"RealBoot" } -> true
| { cl_path = [],"String" }
| { cl_path = [],"Array" } -> not ( = Js)
| _ -> false)

(* check if a field is kept *)
let keep_field dce cf =
has_meta ":keep" cf.cf_meta
|| has_meta ":used" cf.cf_meta
|| cf.cf_name = "__init__"

(* marking *)

(* mark a field as kept *)
let mark_field dce c cf stat = if not (has_meta ":used" cf.cf_meta) then begin
cf.cf_meta <- (":used",[],cf.cf_pos) :: cf.cf_meta;
dce.added_fields <- (c,cf,stat) :: dce.added_fields;

(* mark a class as kept. If the class has fields marked as @:?keep, make sure to keep them *)
let rec mark_class dce c = if not (has_meta ":used" c.cl_meta) then begin
(* mark all :?used fields as surely :used now *)
List.iter (fun cf ->
if has_meta ":?used" cf.cf_meta then mark_field dce c cf true
) c.cl_ordered_statics;
List.iter (fun cf ->
if has_meta ":?used" cf.cf_meta then mark_field dce c cf false
) c.cl_ordered_fields;
c.cl_meta <- (":used",[],c.cl_pos) :: c.cl_meta;
(* we always have to keep super classes and implemented interfaces *)
List.iter (fun (c,_) -> mark_class dce c) c.cl_implements;
match c.cl_super with None -> () | Some (csup,pl) -> mark_class dce csup;

(* mark a type as kept *)
let rec mark_t dce t = match follow t with
| TInst({cl_kind = KTypeParameter tl},pl) -> List.iter (mark_t dce) tl; List.iter (mark_t dce) pl
| TInst(c,pl) -> mark_class dce c; List.iter (mark_t dce) pl
| TFun(args,ret) -> List.iter (fun (_,_,t) -> mark_t dce t) args; mark_t dce ret
| _ -> ()

(* find all dependent fields by checking implementing/subclassing types *)
let rec mark_dependent_fields dce csup n stat =
List.iter (fun mt -> match mt with
| TClassDecl c when is_parent csup c ->
let rec loop c =
let cf = PMap.find n (if stat then c.cl_statics else c.cl_fields) in
(* if it's clear that the class is kept, the field has to be kept as well *)
if has_meta ":used" c.cl_meta then mark_field dce c cf stat
(* otherwise it might be kept if the class is kept later, so mark it as :?used *)
else if not (has_meta ":?used" cf.cf_meta) then cf.cf_meta <- (":?used",[],cf.cf_pos) :: cf.cf_meta;
(* Cpp currently requires all base methods to be marked too *)
if = Cpp then match c.cl_super with None -> () | Some (csup,_) -> loop csup;
with Not_found ->
(* if the field is not present on current class, it might come from a base class *)
(match c.cl_super with None -> () | Some (csup,_) -> loop csup))
loop c
| _ -> ()
) dce.all_types

(* expr and field evaluation *)

let opt f e = match e with None -> () | Some e -> f e

let rec field dce c n stat =
let find_field n =
if n = "new" then match c.cl_constructor with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some cf -> cf
else PMap.find n (if stat then c.cl_statics else c.cl_fields)
let cf = find_field n in
mark_field dce c cf stat;
with Not_found -> try
(* me might have a property access on an interface *)
let l = String.length n - 4 in
if l < 0 then raise Not_found;
let prefix = String.sub n 0 4 in
let pn = String.sub n 4 l in
let cf = find_field pn in
if not (has_meta ":used" cf.cf_meta) then begin
let keep () =
mark_dependent_fields dce c n stat;
match with
(* these platforms currently need the real property field apparently *)
| Js | Neko | Php | Flash8 | Cpp | Java -> field dce c pn stat
| _ -> ()
(match prefix,cf.cf_kind with
| "get_",Var {v_read = AccCall s} when s = n -> keep()
| "set_",Var {v_write = AccCall s} when s = n -> keep()
| _ -> raise Not_found
raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
match c.cl_super with Some (csup,_) -> field dce csup n stat | None -> ());

and expr dce e =
match e.eexpr with
| TNew(c,pl,el) ->
mark_class dce c;
let rec loop c =
field dce c "new" false;
match c.cl_super with None -> () | Some (csup,_) -> loop csup
loop c;
List.iter (expr dce) el;
List.iter (mark_t dce) pl;
| TVars vl ->
List.iter (fun (v,e) ->
opt (expr dce) e;
mark_t dce v.v_type;
) vl;
| TCast(e, Some (TClassDecl c)) ->
mark_class dce c;
expr dce e;
| TTry(e, vl) ->
expr dce e;
List.iter (fun (v,e) ->
expr dce e;
mark_t dce v.v_type;
) vl;
| TTypeExpr (TClassDecl c) ->
mark_class dce c;
| TCall ({eexpr = TConst TSuper} as e,el) ->
mark_t dce e.etype;
List.iter (expr dce) el;
| TClosure(e,n)
| TField(e,n) -> (match follow e.etype with
| TInst(c,_) ->
mark_class dce c;
field dce c n false;
| TAnon a ->
(match !(a.a_status) with
| Statics c ->
mark_class dce c;
field dce c n true;
| _ -> ())
| _ -> ());
expr dce e;
| _ -> Type.iter (expr dce) e

let run ctx main types modules =
let dce = {
ctx = ctx;
all_types = types;
debug = Common.defined "dce_debug";
expr = expr;
added_fields = [];
} in
(* first step: get all entry points, which is the main method and all class methods which are marked with @:keep *)
let rec loop acc types = match types with
| (TClassDecl c) :: l ->
let keep_class = keep_whole_class dce c in
if keep_class then mark_class dce c;
let rec loop2 acc cfl stat = match cfl with
| cf :: l when keep_class || keep_field dce cf ->
loop2 ((c,cf,stat) :: acc) l stat
| cf :: l ->
loop2 acc l stat
| [] ->
let acc = loop2 acc c.cl_ordered_statics true in
let acc = loop2 acc c.cl_ordered_fields false in
(match c.cl_init with None -> () | Some init -> expr dce init);
loop acc l
| _ :: l ->
loop acc l
| [] ->
let entry_points = match main with
| Some {eexpr = TCall({eexpr = TField(e,_)},_)} ->
(match follow e.etype with
| TAnon a ->
(match !(a.a_status) with
| Statics c ->
let cf = PMap.find "main" c.cl_statics in
loop [c,cf,true] types
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> loop [] types
if dce.debug then begin
List.iter (fun (c,cf,_) -> match cf.cf_expr with
| None -> ()
| Some _ -> print_endline ("[DCE] Entry point: " ^ (s_type_path c.cl_path) ^ "." ^ cf.cf_name)
) entry_points;

(* second step: initiate DCE passes and keep going until no new fields were added *)
let rec loop cfl =
(* extend to dependent (= overriding/implementing) class fields *)
List.iter (fun (c,cf,stat) -> mark_dependent_fields dce c cf.cf_name stat) cfl;
(* mark fields as used *)
List.iter (fun (c,cf,stat) -> mark_field dce c cf stat; mark_t dce cf.cf_type) cfl;
(* follow expressions to new types/fields *)
List.iter (fun (_,cf,_) -> opt (expr dce) cf.cf_expr) cfl;
match dce.added_fields with
| [] -> ()
| cfl ->
dce.added_fields <- [];
loop cfl
loop entry_points;

(* third step: filter types *)
let rec loop acc types =
match types with
| (TClassDecl c) as mt :: l when keep_whole_class dce c ->
loop (mt :: acc) l
| (TClassDecl c) as mt :: l ->
c.cl_ordered_statics <- List.filter (fun cf ->
let b = keep_field dce cf in
if not b then begin
if dce.debug then print_endline ("[DCE] Removed field " ^ (s_type_path c.cl_path) ^ "." ^ (cf.cf_name));
c.cl_statics <- PMap.remove cf.cf_name c.cl_statics;
) c.cl_ordered_statics;
c.cl_ordered_fields <- List.filter (fun cf ->
let b = keep_field dce cf in
if not b then begin
if dce.debug then print_endline ("[DCE] Removed field " ^ (s_type_path c.cl_path) ^ "." ^ (cf.cf_name));
c.cl_fields <- PMap.remove cf.cf_name c.cl_fields;
) c.cl_ordered_fields;
(match c.cl_constructor with Some cf when not (keep_field dce cf) -> c.cl_constructor <- None | _ -> ());
(* we keep a class if it was used or has a used field *)
if has_meta ":used" c.cl_meta || c.cl_ordered_statics <> [] || c.cl_ordered_fields <> [] then loop (mt :: acc) l else begin
if dce.debug then print_endline ("[DCE] Removed class " ^ (s_type_path c.cl_path));
loop acc l
| mt :: l ->
loop (mt :: acc) l
| [] ->
let types = loop [] (List.rev types) in

(* extra step to adjust properties that had accessors removed (required for Php and Cpp) *)
List.iter (fun mt -> match mt with
| (TClassDecl c) ->
let rec has_accessor c n stat =
PMap.mem n (if stat then c.cl_statics else c.cl_fields)
|| match c.cl_super with Some (csup,_) -> has_accessor csup n stat | None -> false
let check_prop stat cf =
(match cf.cf_kind with
| Var {v_read = AccCall s; v_write = a} ->
cf.cf_kind <- Var {v_read = if has_accessor c s stat then AccCall s else AccNever; v_write = a}
| _ -> ());
(match cf.cf_kind with
| Var {v_write = AccCall s; v_read = a} ->
cf.cf_kind <- Var {v_write = if has_accessor c s stat then AccCall s else AccNever; v_read = a}
| _ -> ())
List.iter (check_prop true) c.cl_ordered_statics;
List.iter (check_prop false) c.cl_ordered_fields;
| _ -> ()
) types;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1047,6 +1047,7 @@ try
let t = Common.timer "filters" in
let main, types, modules = Typer.generate tctx in
let types,modules = if then tctx main types modules else types,modules in
com.main <- main;
com.types <- types;
com.modules <- modules;
Expand Down

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