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Create Kubernetes cluster in AWS.

This module will create an EKS cluster in the AWS account managed by the current credential.


  • Creates required VPC, Subnets, and Security Group
  • Creates a Spotinst Ocean cluster and configures the EKS cluster to use it for dynamic worker nodes.

The Spotinst account must already exist and must be configured to use the current AWS account. It is not currently possible to automate all the steps required to create and link a Spotinst account using Terraform or their API.

  • Installs Helm Tiller
  • Installs ALB Ingress controller
  • Configures AWS IAM Role mapping


Variable Type Description Default
name string Name of the Kubernetes cluster.
kubernetes_version string Version of Kubernetes control plane to deploy.
vpc_cidr string CIDR for vpc
private_subnets list Private subnet CIDRs
public_subnets list Public subnet CIDRs
min_workers number The minimum number of instances to maintain in the worker pool 1
max_workers number The maximum number of instances to maintain in the worker pool 10
desired_capacity number The number of instances to launch and maintain in the cluster 1
spotinst_token string Spotinst API token
spotinst_account string Spotinst account ID
map_roles list List of role mapping data structures to configure the AWS IAM Authenticator.,See:,[{,rolearn = "arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesAdmin",username = "kubernetes-admin",groups = ["system:masters"],}],EOT []


Output Description
kubeconfig Content of a kubeconfig file that can be used to connect to this cluster
kubeconfig_filename The filename of the generated kubectl config.
ssh_private_key Private key for SSH access to worker nodes.


variable spotinst_token {}
variable spotinst_account {}

provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 2.33"

provider "spotinst" {
  version = "~> 1.13"
  token   = var.spotinst_token
  account = var.spotinst_account

provider "kubernetes" {
  version     = "~> 1.9"
  config_path = module.k8s_cluster.kubeconfig_filename

provider "helm" {
  version         = "~> 0.10"
  service_account = "tiller"
  kubernetes {
    config_path = module.k8s_cluster.kubeconfig_filename

provider "tls" {
  version = "~> 2.1"

module "k8s_cluster" {
  source = "../../"

  name               = "test-cluster"
  kubernetes_version = "1.14"
  vpc_cidr           = ""
  private_subnets    = ["", "", ""]
  public_subnets     = ["", "", ""]
  spotinst_token     = var.spotinst_token
  spotinst_account   = var.spotinst_account

output "kubeconfig" {
  value = module.k8s_cluster.kubeconfig

output "ssh_private_key" {
  value     = module.k8s_cluster.ssh_private_key
  sensitive = true


Install aws-iam-authenticator:

brew install aws-iam-authenticator

Fetch kubeconfig from state:

terraform output kubeconfig > kubeconfig_<cluster-name>

Connect to cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig_<cluster-name> ...


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