Complete implementation of Accelerometer driver for ADLX335 on PICK18F46k22
ADLX335 is 3-axis accelerometer , it can measure the acceleration in x , y and z direction. The demonstration is based on accelerometer and UART inteface of PIC18F46K22 PDIP package microcontroller. The arranement also requires a bi-directional level shifter to feth the accelerometer reading.
- MPLABX IDE, free IDE from Microchip, Inc.
- ADLX335 Accelerometer( incase if you are prototyping on Breadboard)
- PIC18F46K22 PDIP microcontroller chip.
- Crystal Oscillator 16 Mhz. ( in this case we are using microcontroller internal 1Mhz Oscilattor)
The System is arranged such that the accelerometer reading is nomalized between 0 to 300.