Stack and Pointer Lifetime
Process Memory Segmentation
Alignment, Padding and Heap Allocation
Structure reordering
Data structure and algorithms (Array, Hash Table, Linked List, Merge sort, Time and Space Complexity)
Multiprocessing System
Virtual Memory
Translation Lookaside Buffer
Cache (Instruction and Data)
Multiprocessor, Threads, Thread Pool, and Context Switching
Allocators and Scratchpad
Volatile and Atomic operations
Memory barriers
Mutex and Semaphores
Complete Syllabus: here
# Day N Assignments (each user assignments are in directory with their username)
├── assignments # Contains assignments
| ├──Day0
| ├──Day1
| ├──Day2
| ├──Day...7
├── resources # Contains resources
│ ├── Lecture0
│ ├── Lecture1
│ ├── Lecture2
│ ├── Lecture...7