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Merge branch 'feature/install-execute' into feature/install-and-execute
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rogiersbart committed Jan 30, 2020
2 parents fde12ae + d90230d commit 79bec06
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Showing 4 changed files with 246 additions and 177 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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193 changes: 137 additions & 56 deletions R/execute.R
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#' Run a MODFLOW model
#' \code{execute} runs a MODFLOW model.
#' \code{rmf_execute} runs a MODFLOW model.
#' @param path path to name file; typically '*.nam'
#' @param code name of the MODFLOW variant to use
Expand All @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#' @rdname rmf_execute
#' @method rmf_execute character
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{rmf_install}}
rmf_execute.character <- function(
code = 2005,
Expand All @@ -27,12 +28,21 @@ rmf_execute.character <- function(
dir <- dirname(path)
file <- basename(path)

# set initial parameters if provided
# set initial parameters if provided
if(!is.null(par)) {
nam <- rmf_read_nam(paste0(dir,'/',file))
pvl <- rmf_read_pvl(paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
pvl$parval <- par
rmf_write_pvl(pvl, file=paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
nam <- rmf_read_nam(path)
if('PVAL' %in% nam$ftype) {
pvl <- rmf_read_pvl(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype == 'PVAL')]))

# copy and write original pvl
rmf_write_pvl(pvl, file = file.path(dir, paste('original', nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')], sep = '_')))

pvl$parval <- par
rmf_write_pvl(pvl, file = file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype == 'PVAL')]))

} else {
warning('Model does not have PVL input file. Ignoring par argument', call. = FALSE)

# run modflow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,60 +105,71 @@ rmf_execute <- function(...) {

#' Run a MODFLOW model optimization, based on the parameter value file
#' Run a MODFLOW model optimization, based on the parameter value file and the head predictions output file
#' \code{rmf_optimize} runs a MODFLOW optimization.
#' @param path path to name file; typically '*.nam'
#' @param code name of the MODFLOW variant to use
#' @param par initial parameter values (for all or only included parameters); current parameter value file values are used if par is not provided
#' @param par initial parameter values (for all or only included parameters); current parameter value file values are used if par is not provided (default)
#' @param include logical vector indicating which parameters in the parameter value file to include in the optimization
#' @param trans vector of transformations; currently only 'log' is supported
#' @param method optimization method: 'Nelder-Mead','BFGS','CG','SANN','Brent','L-BGFS-B'
#' @param lower lower parameter bounds
#' @param upper upper parameter bounds
#' @param control list of control arguments
#' @param logtrans logical vector indicating which parameters should be logtransformed
#' @param verbose logical; should the terminal output be printed to the R console? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param cost character denoting which statistic should be used to compute the cost. Possible values are those returned by \code{\link{rmf_performance}}. Defaults to 'ssq'
#' @param out_file optional file path to write cost value, convergence and parameter values to for each iteration
#' @param cvg_message character denoting the message in the terminal output used to check for convergence
#' @param ... further arguments provided to \code{optim}
#' @details Only works with models using MODFLOW parameters and having a head predictions output file as defined in the HOB object
#' The only method currently available is "L-BFGS-B". See \code{\link{optim}}
#' @return \code{optim} results with the full list of parameters
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{optim}}, \code{\link{rmf_execute}}, \code{\link{rmf_create_pvl}} & \code{\link{rmf_create_hob}}
rmf_optimize <- function(
code = 2005,
par = NULL,
include = NULL,
trans = NULL,
method = 'Nelder-Mead',
lower = -Inf,
logtrans = NULL,
lower = 0, # TODO think about this default value ...
upper = Inf,
verbose = TRUE,
cost = 'ssq',
out_file = NULL,
control = list(),
cvg_message = 'Normal termination',
) {
code <- rmf_find(code)
dir <- dirname(path)
file <- basename(path)
nam <- rmf_read_nam(paste0(dir,'/',file))
pvl <- rmf_read_pvl(paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
hob <- rmf_read_hob(paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='HOB')]))
nam <- rmf_read_nam(path)
if(!('PVAL' %in% nam$ftype) || !('HOB' %in% nam$ftype)) stop('rmf_optimize only works with models having PVL and HOB input', call. = FALSE)
pvl <- rmf_read_pvl(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
hob <- rmf_read_hob(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='HOB')]))
if(hob$iuhobsv == 0 || toupper(nam$ftype[which(nam$nunit == hob$iuhobsv)]) != 'DATA') {
stop('rmf_optimize only works with models having a head predictions output file. This can be created by setting the iuhobsv argument of the HOB file to a non-zero value', call. = FALSE)

# copy and write original pvl
rmf_write_pvl(pvl, file = file.path(dir, paste('original', nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')], sep = '_')))

if(is.null(par)) par <- pvl$parval
if(is.null(include)) include <- rep(TRUE,length(par))
par2 <- par
par <- pvl$parval
par[which(include)] <- par2

if(is.infinite(lower)) lower <- rep(lower,pvl$np)
if(is.infinite(upper)) upper <- rep(upper,pvl$np)
par[which(trans=='log')] <- log(par[which(trans=='log')])
lower[which(trans=='log')] <- log(lower[which(trans=='log')])
upper[which(trans=='log')] <- log(upper[which(trans=='log')])
if('parscale' %in% names(control))
control$parscale[which(trans[include]=='log')] <- log(control$parscale[which(trans[include]=='log')])
if(!is.null(logtrans)) {
par[which(logtrans)] <- log(par[which(logtrans)])
lower[which(logtrans)] <- log(lower[which(logtrans)])
upper[which(logtrans)] <- log(upper[which(logtrans)])
if('parscale' %in% names(control)) {
control$parscale[which(trans[include])] <- log(control$parscale[which(trans[include])])
<<<<<<< HEAD
optim_modflow <- function(par_include)
pvl$parval <- par
Expand All @@ -175,55 +196,113 @@ rmf_optimize <- function(
opt$par <- par
opt$par[which(include)] <- par2
if(!is.null(trans)) opt$par[which(trans=='log')] <- exp(opt$par[which(trans=='log')])

# if par only has values for include = TRUE
if(length(par) != length(pvl$parval)) {
par2 <- par
par <- pvl$parval
par[which(include)] <- par2

optim_modflow <- function(par_include) {
# adjust values
pvl$parval <- par
pvl$parval[which(include)] <- par_include
if(!is.null(logtrans)) pvl$parval[which(logtrans)] <- exp(pvl$parval[which(logtrans)])

# write values
rmf_write_pvl(pvl, file = file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))

# run modflow
cvg <- rmf_execute(file = file, executable = executable, version = version, verbose = verbose, cvg_message = cvg_message, convergence = TRUE)

# get cost
if(cvg) {
hpr <- rmf_read_hpr(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$nunit==hob$iuhobsv)]))
cost_value <- rmf_performance(hpr)[cost]
} else { # return large cost when not converging
cost_value <- ifelse(!is.null(control$fnscale) && control$fnscale < 0, -1e100, 1e100) # maximization/minimization

# print
if(verbose) cat(paste(cost, '=', format(cost_value,scientific=TRUE,digits=4), 'converged =', as.character(cvg), 'parval =', paste(format(pvl$parval[include],scientific=TRUE,digits=4), collapse=' '),'\n'))
if(!is.null(out_file)) cat(paste(cost, '=', format(cost_value,scientific=TRUE,digits=4), 'converged =', as.character(cvg), 'parval =', paste(format(pvl$parval[include],scientific=TRUE,digits=4), collapse=' '),'\n'), file = out_file, append = TRUE)


# optimize; L-BGFS-B only
opt <- optim(par[which(include)], optim_modflow, method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = lower[which(include)], upper = upper[which(include)], control = control, ...)
>>>>>>> install-execute
opt$included <- include

#' Run a MODFLOW model sensitivity analysis, based on the parameter value file
#' Run a MODFLOW model sensitivity analysis, based on the parameter value file and the head predictions output file
#' \code{rmf_analyze} performs a MODFLOW model sensitivity analysis.
#' @param path path to name file; typically '*.nam'
#' @param code name of the MODFLOW variant to use
#' @param par central parameter values (for all or only included parameters); parameter value file values are used if par is not provided
#' @param par central parameter values (for all or only included parameters); parameter value file values are used if par is not provided (default)
#' @param include logical vector indicating which parameters in the parameter value file to include in the sensitivity analysis
#' @return sensitivity analysis results
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to \code{rmf_execute}
#' @details Only works with models using MODFLOW parameters and having a head predictions output file as defined in the HOB object
#' @return object of class \code{sen} which is a list with dimensionless scaled sensitivities (dss) and composite scaled sensitivies (css)
#' @export
rmf_analyze <- function(
code = 'mf2005',
par = NULL,
include = NULL
) {
#' @seealso \code{\link{rmf_execute}}, \code{\link{rmf_create_pvl}} & \code{\link{rmf_create_hob}}
rmf_analyze <- function(path,
code = "2005",
par = NULL,
include = NULL,
...) {
code <- rmf_find(code)
dir <- dirname(path)
file <- basename(path)
nam <- rmf_read_nam(paste0(dir,'/',file))
pvl <- rmf_read_pvl(paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
hob <- rmf_read_hob(paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='HOB')]))
nam <- rmf_read_nam(path)
if(!('PVAL' %in% nam$ftype) || !('HOB' %in% nam$ftype)) stop('rmf_analyze only works with models having PVL and HOB input', call. = FALSE)
pvl <- rmf_read_pvl(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
hob <- rmf_read_hob(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='HOB')]))
if(hob$iuhobsv == 0 || toupper(nam$ftype[which(nam$nunit == hob$iuhobsv)]) != 'DATA') {
stop('rmf_analyze only works with models having a head predictions output file. This can be created by setting the iuhobsv argument of the HOB file to a non-zero value', call. = FALSE)
pvl_org <- pvl
if(is.null(par)) par <- pvl$parval
if(is.null(include)) include <- rep(TRUE,length(par))

# if par only has values for include = TRUE
if(length(par) != length(pvl$parval)) {
par2 <- par
par <- pvl$parval
par[which(include)] <- par2
rmf_execute(file = paste0(dir,'/',file), code = code,par)
hpr_orig <- rmf_read_hpr(paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$nunit==hob$iuhobsv)]))

# copy and write original pvl
rmf_write_pvl(pvl_org, file = file.path(dir, paste('original', nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')], sep = '_')))

# initial run
rmf_execute(path = path, code = code, par = par, version = version, convergence = FALSE, ...)
hpr_orig <- rmf_read_hpr(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$nunit == hob$iuhobsv)]))

sens <- list()
sens$dss <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(hob$obsnam),ncol=length(pvl$parval))
sens$dss <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(hob$obsnam), ncol = length(pvl$parval))
sens$css <- pvl$parval*NA
for(i in which(include))

# dss & css
for(i in which(include)) {
pvl$parval <- par
pvl$parval[i] <- pvl$parval[i]*1.01
rmf_write_pvl(pvl, file=paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
rmf_execute(file = paste0(dir,'/',file), code = code)
hpr <- rmf_read_hpr(paste0(dir,'/',nam$fname[which(nam$nunit==hob$iuhobsv)]))
sens$dss[,i] <- (hpr$simulated_equivalent-hpr_orig$simulated_equivalent)/(0.01)
rmf_write_pvl(pvl, file = file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype == 'PVAL')]))
rmf_execute(file = file, executable = executable, par = NULL, version = version, convergence = FALSE, ...)
hpr <- rmf_read_hpr(file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$nunit == hob$iuhobsv)]))
sens$dss[,i] <- (hpr$simulated - hpr_orig$simulated)/(0.01)
sens$css[i] <- sqrt(sum(sens$dss[,i]^2)/hob$nh)

# write original pvl and run
rmf_write_pvl(pvl_org, file = file.path(dir, nam$fname[which(nam$ftype=='PVAL')]))
rmf_execute(file = file, executable = executable, par = NULL, version = version, convergence = FALSE, ...)

sens$parnam <- pvl$parnam
class(sens) <- 'sen'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,7 +332,9 @@ rmf_find <- function(
precision = "single"
) {
# TODO automatically select 32 bit executables if available, otherwise throw
# error on 32 bit systems
# error on 32 bit systems
# TODO check if executable provided in name exists in current wd, not name
# of executable that we are using in RMODFLOW!
if (grepl("2005", name)) {
if (grepl("dbl", name)) precision <- "double"
name <- "MODFLOW-2005"
Expand Down

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