A platform that allows people to send crypto transactions to theoretical fintech professionals for hire
This application is written in Python v. 3.9.7 and is deployed using Streamlit. This application makes use of the following libraries:
web3 was used to interact with and send ethereum transactions
streamlit was used for deploying the application to a webpage
dataclasses was used to create dataclasses
typing was used for runtime support
datetime was used to work with data sets in datetime format
os was used to interact with the operating system to call upon env files
dotenv was used to import env files
requests was used to make HTTP requests
bip44 was used to assist in making a crypto wallet
Prior to running this application, perform the following in the command line to install the required libraries:
pip install web3
pip install streamlit
pip install dataclasses
pip install typing
pip install datetime
pip install os
pip install dotenv
pip install requests
pip install bip44
In order to launch the application, navigate to the Fintech_Finder_Blockchain folder that contains all of the code for this application, and then type into the command line:
streamlit run fintech_finder.py
Once on the streamlit webpage that is deployed, the user can browse various fintech professionals and view their hourly rates in ether. From there, the user can select a professional and input the number of hours they need them for to view the total cost in ether. The user can then opt to send the transaction of the wage's cost to the professional using the send transaction button and see the resulting validation hash.
Below, you can see examples of one of these transactions being sent and the resulting account balance being viewed using Ganache:
Robby Odum
Email: rodum012@gmail.com