👋 Hi, there I'm Robin Kushwaha! About Me I'm a passionate SDET/QA Engineer specializing in test automation with tools like Cypress and Selenium, and a solid foundation in JavaScript and Java. My focus is on ensuring quality through robust test suites and best practices in software testing. 🔧 Technologies & Tools Languages: JavaScript, Java, Python Testing Tools: Cypress, Selenium, Mocha, Chai Frameworks: Node.js, TestNG, Jmeter Version Control: Git, GitHub IDE: VSCode, IntelliJ IDEA 📈 GitHub Stats
I'm a passionate SDET/QA Engineer specializing in test automation with tools like Cypress and Selenium, and a solid foundation in JavaScript and Java. My focus is on ensuring quality through robust test suites and best practices in software testing.
🚀 Featured Projects Inventory Management System: Node.js-based app for inventory operations, demonstrating modular ES6 syntax and JavaScript classes. Shopping Cart Testing - TutorialsNinja: Cypress automation project for e-commerce testing, focused on user experience and functionality verification. 🌱 Currently Learning I'm diving deeper into API testing and exploring CI/CD integrations to automate further and streamline testing processes.
📫 How to Reach Me LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robin-kushwaha-a56825160/ GitHub: https://github.com/robin576 Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aIUixlY6-Iub-pjPzxyIAloki_sw8UaM/view?usp=sharing