Unchartd is an experiment to explore Untappd checkins with Elasticsearch and d3.js.
Unchartd requires:
- pyelasticsearch
- python-dateutil
- requests
$ git clone git://github.com/robhudson/unchartd.git $ cd unchartd
Create your Python virtualenv and install the required packages:
$ mkvirtualenv unchartd $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install and run Elasticsearch. Docs for this can be found here: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/setup/installation/
You'll need Untappd API credentials, which can be obtained here: https://untappd.com/api/dashboard
When you have credentials export them to your environment via:
$ export UNTAPPD_CLIENT_ID='<client_id>' $ export UNTAPPD_CLIENT_SECRET='<client_secret>'
To import all your checkins run the following command from the git checkout directory:
$ python process.py
This will create the index named 'unchartd' with doctype 'checkins'. When it finishes it will report the number of checkins imported. Once finished explore your checkins with Elasticsearch.
- Implement various charts using d3.js
- Map of brewery location checkins
- Beers by %ABV
- Beers by day of week
- Other ideas?