#Applanga SDK for Android
Version: 1.0.36
URL: https://applanga.com
Add the following lines to the bottom of your Apps build.gradle to integrate the current version of the Applanga SDK into your App.
apply from: 'https://raw.github.com/applanga/sdk-android/master/maven/applanga.gradle' dependencies { compile 'com.applanga.android:Applanga:1.0.36' }
you should also add the latest
library to your dependencies if you haven't already.dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:+' }
Add the permission android.permission.INTERNET in your AndroidManifest.xml file to allow your App internet access, which is needed for Applanga to function.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Proguard: In order to keep all SDK functionality fully available when using Proguard, please make sure that the following lines are part of your proguard configuration:
-keep class **.R$* { <fields>; } -keepattributes JavascriptInterface -keepclassmembers class * { @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>; }
The easiest way to initialize
in your Application is by extending your Application fromApplangaApplication
.import com.applanga.android.ApplangaApplication; public class MyApplication extends ApplangaApplication { ... }
NOTE: If you cannot extend ApplangaApplication, you have to call Applanga.init(), followed by Applanga.update() manually (see Update Content).
Download the Applanga Settings File for your app from the Applanga App Overview by clicking the [Prepare Release] button and then clicking [Get Settings File].
Add the Applanga Settings File to your apps resources res/raw directory.
##Usage Once Applanga is integrated and configured, it synchronizes your local strings with the Applanga dashboard every time you start your app in Debug Mode or Draft Mode if new missing strings are found.
To get notified on Localization Updates (e.g. to show a LoadingScreen at beginning of your App) override the
method in your Application class ( assuming you extend ApplangaApplication ).public class MyApplication extends ApplangaApplication { ... @Override public void onLocalizeFinished(boolean success) { //do something on finished loacalization } ... }
To have a
strings automatically localized ovverride thegetResources
method in all Activities like this.@Override public Resources getResources() { if(getApplication() != null) { return getApplication().getResources(); } else { return super.getResources(); } }
To have a
automatically localized use the ApplangaMenuInflater
. Please useApplanga.getMenuInflater(getMenuInflater())
, supplying your original MenuInflater as a parameter. Do not use the old deprecated Applanga.getMenuInflater().@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. Applanga.getMenuInflater(getMenuInflater()).inflate(R.menu.my, menu); return true; }
You should also override the
method of your Activities to have menus automatically translated if possible.public class MyActivity extends ActionBarActivity { ... @Override public android.view.MenuInflater getMenuInflater() { return com.applanga.android.Applanga.getMenuInflater(super.getMenuInflater()); } ... }
If you use preferences you need to call on Applanga to localize the preferences after they have been set up in your preferences activity or preferences fragment:
/* init your preferences e.G. addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.preferences); */ Applanga.localizePreferences(getPreferenceScreen());
Keys will not be localized.
Code Localization
5.1 Strings
// get translated string for the current device locale Applanga.getString("APPLANGA_ID");
5.2 Arguments
// get translated string with formatted arguments // using the default string format %s %d etc // @see http://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/Formatter.html Applanga.getString("APPLANGA_ID", "arg1", "arg2", "etc.");
5.3 Named Arguments
// if you pass a string map you can get translated string // with named arguments. %{someArg} %{anotherArg} etc. Map<String, String> args = new Map<String, String>(); args.put("someArg","awesome"); args.put("anotherArg","crazy"); Applanga.getString("APPLANGA_ID", args);
APPLANGA_ID = "This value of the argument called someArg is %{someArg} and the value of anotherArg is %{anotherArg}. You can reuse arguments multiple times in your text wich is %{someArg}, %{anotherArg} and %{someArg}."
gets converted to:
"This value of the argument called someArg is awesome and the value of anotherArg is crazy. You can reuse arguments multiple times in your text wich is awesome, crazy and awesome."
5.4 Pluralisation
// get translated string in given pluralisation rule (one) Applanga.getString("APPLANGA_ID", Applanga.PluralRule.One);
Available pluralisation rules:
Zero, One, Two, Few, Many, Other
you can also specify a quantity and Applanga will pick the best pluralisation rule based on: http://unicode.org/.../language_plural_rules.html
// get a string in the given quantity Applanga.getQuantityString("APPLANGA_ID", quantity);
In the dashboard you create a puralized ID by appending the Pluralisation rule to your ID in the following format:
.So the zero pluralized ID for "APPLANGA_ID" is "APPLANGA_ID[zero]"
UI Localization
After you've made programmatic changes to your UI Elements you should call one of the following methods to update you UI.
6.1 Activities
Activity localization is always automatically triggered when a Activity is loaded or resumed. (onResume)
If you want to trigger it manually use:
// localize a Activity and all its Views Applanga.localizeActivity(activity);
// localize a View and all its children Applanga.localizeView(view);
6.3 Menus
// localize a Menu Applanga.localizeMenu(menu);
Update Content
To trigger an update call:
Applanga.update(new ApplangaCallback() { @Override public void onLocalizeFinished(boolean success) { //called if update is complete } });
This will request the baselanguage and the long and short versions of the device's current language. If you are using groups, be aware that this will only update the main group.
To trigger an update for a specific set of groups and languages call:
List<String> groups = new ArrayList<>(); groups.add("GroupA"); groups.add("GroupB"); List<String> languages = new ArrayList<>(); languages.add("en"); languages.add("de"); languages.add("fr"); Applanga.updateGroups(groups, languages, new ApplangaCallback() { @Override public void onLocalizeFinished(boolean success) { //called if update is complete } });
Change Language
You can change your app's language at runtime using the following call:
boolean success = Applanga.setLanguage(language);
language must be the iso string of a language that has been added in the dashboard. The return value will be true if the language could be set, or if it already was the current language, otherwise it will be false. After a successful call you should recreate the current activity, for the changes to take effect. The set language will be saved, to reset to the device language call:
For the app to reset to the device language it needs to be restarted.
The language parameter is expected in the format [language]-[region] or [language]_[region] with region being optional. Examples: "fr_CA", "en-us", "de".
If you have problems switching to a specific language you can update your settings file or specifically request that language within an update content call (see 8. Update Content). You can also specify the language as a default language to have it requested on each update call (see Optional settings).
Applanga can also translate content in your WebViews if they have JavaScript enabled.
WebView myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview); myWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); myWebView.loadUrl("html_file_path");
To tell Applanga to translate your webviews you need to set the following in your Manifest:
<meta-data android:name="ApplangaTranslateWebViews" android:value="true" />
To initalize Applanga for your webcontent you need to initialize Applanga from JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript"> window.initApplanga = function() {if(typeof window.ApplangaNative !== 'undefined'){ window.ApplangaNative.loadScript(); }else{setTimeout(window.initApplanga, 180);}}; window.initApplanga(); </script>
9.1 Strings
The inner text and html of tags wich have a
attribute will be replaced with the translated value of APPLANGA_ID<div applanga-text="APPLANGA_ID"> ***This will be replaced with the value of APPLANGA_ID*** </div>
Alternatively you can call
directly.9.2 Arguments
You can pass arguments with the
attribute. By default the arguments are parsed as a comma seperated list wich then will replace fields as %{arrayIndex}.<div applanga-text="APPLANGA_ID" applanga-args="arg1,arg2,etc"> ***This will be replaced with the value of APPLANGA_ID*** ***and formatted with arguments*** </div>
Direct call :
Applanga.getString('APPLANGA_ID', 'arg1,arg2,etc')
To define a different separator instead of
e.g. if your arguments contain commas useapplanga-args-separator
.<div applanga-text="APPLANGA_ID" applanga-args="arg1;arg2;etc" applanga-args-separator=";"> ***This will be replaced with the value of APPLANGA_ID*** ***and formatted with arguments*** </div>
Direct call :
Applanga.getString('APPLANGA_ID', 'arg1,arg2,etc', ';')
One Dimensional JSON Objects can also be used as Named Arguments if you add
<div applanga-text="APPLANGA_ID" applanga-args="{'arg1':'value1', 'arg2':'value2', 'arg3':'etc'}" applanga-args-separator="json"> ***This will be replaced with the value of APPLANGA_ID*** ***and formatted with json arguments*** </div>
Direct call :
Applanga.getString('APPLANGA_ID', "{'arg1':'value1', 'arg2':'value2', 'arg3':'etc'}", 'json')
9.3 Pluralisation
To pluralize a html tag you can pass the
attribute with the valuezero
.<div applanga-text="APPLANGA_ID" applanga-plural-rule="one"> ***This will be replaced with the pluralized value of APPLANGA_ID*** </div>
Direct call :
Applanga.getPluralString('APPLANGA_ID', 'one')
or with arguments :applanga.getPluralString('APPLANGA_ID', 'one', 'arg1;arg2;etc', ';')
You can also pluralize by quantity via
<div applanga-text="APPLANGA_ID" applanga-plural-quantity=42> ***This will be replaced with the pluralized value of APPLANGA_ID*** </div>
Direct call :
Applanga.getQuantityString('APPLANGA_ID', 42)
or with arguments :applanga.getQuantityString('APPLANGA_ID', 42, 'arg1;arg2;etc', ';')
9.4 Update Content
To trigger a content update from a WebView use javascript:
Applanga.updateGroups("GroupA, GroupB", "de, en, fr", function(success){ //called if update is complete });
Draft Mode
To enable support for Draft Mode in your application, override the
method in your targeted activity and forward the event to Applanga.dispatchTouchEvent. To enable Draft Mode, hold down four fingers for four seconds in this activity. A dialog appears asking you to enter a key code, which is the first four characters of your app secret and can also be found in your app's main view on the dashboard. When the right key is entered, the application will switch to Draft mode and quit, restart it manually. The Draft mode can be disabled in the same way as it was enabled. Please be aware that not all Android devices support multitouch with four fingers.@Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { Applanga.dispatchTouchEvent(ev, this); return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); }
Automatic Screenshot Upload
The Applanga SDK offers the functionality to upload screenshots of your app, while collecting meta data such as the current language, resolution and the Applanga translated strings that are visible, including their positions. Each screenshot will be assigned to a tag. A tag may have multiple screenshots with differing core meta data: language, app version, device, plattform, OS and resolution.
You can read more here: Manage Tags and here: Uploading screenshots.
11.1 Make screenshots manually
To manually make a screenshot you first have to set your app into draft mode.
With your app in draft mode all you have to do is to make a two finger swipe downwards. This will show the screenshot menu and load a list of tags.
The two finger swipe will work in activities that pass on their mouse events via dispatchTouchEvent as shown previously.
You can now choose a tag and press capture screenshot to capture and upload a screenshot including all meta data for the currently visible screen and assign it to the selected tag. Tags have to be created in the dashboard before they are available in the screenshot menu.
11.2 Display screenshot menu programmatically
You also have the option to display the screenshot menu programmatically, this also requires the app to be in draft mode:
11.3 Make screenshots programmatically
To create a screenshot programmatically you call the following function:
String tag = "Mainmenu"; List<String> applangaIDs = new ArrayList<>(); applangaIDs("StringID1"); applangaIDs("StringID2"); Applanga.captureScreenshot(tag, applangaIDs);
The Applanga SDK tries to find all IDs on the screen but you can also pass additional IDs in the applangaIDs parameter.
11.4 Make screenshots during UITests
To capture screenshots from UITests like espresso, you just have to call the above function shown in Make screenshots programmatically while executing a test with Googles UITest frameworks. This function will also work in draft mode or debug mode.
##Optional settings
You can specify a set of default groups and languages in the manifest, which will be updated on every Applanga.update() or Applanga.updateGroups() call. These groups and languages will be added to any that are specified in the call itself, they will always be requested. The Parameter value must be a string, with a list of groups or languages separated by commata.
Specify default groups
<application> ... <meta-data android:name="ApplangaUpdateGroups" android:value="tutorial,chapter1,chapter2"/> ... </application>
Specify default languages
<application> ... <meta-data android:name="ApplangaUpdateLanguages" android:value="en,de-at,fr"/> ... </application>