a C\C++ library and command-line tools for Diff & Patch between binary files or directories(folder); cross-platform; run fast; create small delta/differential; support large files and limit memory requires when diff & patch.
( NOTE: This library does not deal with file metadata, such as file last wirte time, permissions, link file, etc... To this library, a file is just as a stream of bytes; You can extend this library or use other tools. )
( update Android Apk? Jar or Zip file diff & patch? try ApkDiffPatch!
but ApkDiffPath can't be used in the Android app store, because it requires re-signing apk;
sfpatcher (like archive-patcher), is designed for Android app store, but patch is much faster than archive-patcher. )
Download from latest release : Command line app for Windows, Linux, MacOS; and .so patch lib for Android.
( release files build by projects in path HDiffPatch/builds
$ cd <dir>/HDiffPatch
$ make LZMA=0 ZSTD=0 MD5=0
if the build fails with fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory
, use your system's package manager to install the libbz2 package and try again. install bzip2: $ apt-get install libbz2
or $ sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
or $ yum -y install bzip2
or $ brew install bzip2
Alternatively, get the optional library headers (+bzip2 library) and build completely: $ git clone https://github.com/sisong/bzip2.git ../bzip2 && pushd ../bzip2 && make && sudo make install && popd
if need lzma zstd md5 support, Try:
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/libmd5.git ../libmd5
$ git clone -b fix-make-build https://github.com/sisong/lzma.git ../lzma
$ git clone -b v1.5.2 https://github.com/facebook/zstd.git ../zstd
$ make
Tip: You can use $ make -j
to compile in parallel
Before you build builds/vc/HDiffPatch.sln
with Visual Studio
, first get the libraries into sibling folders, like so:
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/libmd5.git ../libmd5
$ git clone -b fix-make-build https://github.com/sisong/lzma.git ../lzma
$ git clone -b v1.5.2 https://github.com/facebook/zstd.git ../zstd
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/zlib.git ../zlib
$ git clone https://github.com/sisong/bzip2.git ../bzip2
- install Android NDK
$ cd <dir>/HDiffPatch/builds/android_ndk_jni_mk
$ build_libs.sh
(or$ build_libs.bat
on windows, then got *.so files)- import file
) & .so files, java code can call the patch function in libhpatchz.so
command line usage Chinese version: 命令行使用说明中文版
diff usage: hdiffz [options] oldPath newPath outDiffFile
compress usage: hdiffz [-c-...] "" newPath outDiffFile
test usage: hdiffz -t oldPath newPath testDiffFile
resave usage: hdiffz [-c-...] diffFile outDiffFile
get manifest: hdiffz [-g#...] [-C-checksumType] inputPath -M#outManifestTxtFile
manifest diff: hdiffz [options] -M-old#oldManifestFile -M-new#newManifestFile oldPath newPath outDiffFile
oldPath newPath inputPath can be file or directory(folder),
oldPath can empty, and input parameter ""
memory options:
DEFAULT; all file load into Memory; best diffFileSize;
requires (newFileSize+ oldFileSize*5(or *9 when oldFileSize>=2GB))+O(1)
bytes of memory;
matchScore>=0, DEFAULT -m-6, recommended bin: 0--4 text: 4--9 etc...
all file load as Stream; fast;
requires O(oldFileSize*16/matchBlockSize+matchBlockSize*5) bytes of memory;
matchBlockSize>=4, DEFAULT -s-64, recommended 16,32,48,1k,64k,1m etc...
special options:
must run with -m;
set is use fast block match befor slow match, DEFAULT false;
fastMatchBlockSize>=4, DEFAULT 4k, recommended 256,1k,64k,1m etc...;
if newData similar to oldData then diff speed++ & diff memory--,
but small possibility outDiffFile's size+
must run with -m;
set is use a big cache for slow match, DEFAULT false;
if newData not similar to oldData then diff speed++,
big cache max used O(oldFileSize) memory, and build slow(diff speed--)
create single compressed diffData, only need one decompress buffer
when patch, and support step by step patching when step by step downloading!
stepSize>=(1024*4), DEFAULT -SD-256k, recommended 64k,2m etc...
create diffFile compatible with bsdiff, unsupport input directory(folder).
if parallelThreadNumber>1 then open multi-thread Parallel mode;
DEFAULT -p-4; requires more memory!
set outDiffFile Compress type & level, DEFAULT uncompress;
for resave diffFile,recompress diffFile to outDiffFile by new set;
support compress type & level:
(re. https://github.com/sisong/lzbench/blob/master/lzbench171_sorted.md )
-c-zlib[-{1..9}] DEFAULT level 9
-c-pzlib[-{1..9}] DEFAULT level 6
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
WARNING: code not compatible with it compressed by -c-zlib!
and code size may be larger than if it compressed by -c-zlib.
-c-bzip2[-{1..9}] (or -bz2) DEFAULT level 9
-c-pbzip2[-{1..9}] (or -pbz2) DEFAULT level 8
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
WARNING: code not compatible with it compressed by -c-bzip2!
and code size may be larger than if it compressed by -c-bzip2.
-c-lzma[-{0..9}[-dictSize]] DEFAULT level 7
dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 128m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
support run by 2-thread parallel.
-c-lzma2[-{0..9}[-dictSize]] DEFAULT level 7
dictSize can like 4096 or 4k or 4m or 128m etc..., DEFAULT 8m
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
WARNING: code not compatible with it compressed by -c-lzma!
-c-zstd[-{0..22}[-dictBits]] DEFAULT level 20
dictBits can 10--31, DEFAULT 24.
support run by multi-thread parallel, fast!
set outDiffFile Checksum type for directory diff, DEFAULT -C-fadler64;
support checksum type:
-C-no no checksum
-C-fadler64 DEFAULT
limit Number of open files at same time when stream directory diff;
maxOpenFileNumber>=8, DEFAULT -n-48, the best limit value by different
operating system.
set iGnore path list when Directory Diff; ignore path list such as:
# means separator between names; (if char # in name, need write #: )
* means can match any chars in name; (if char * in name, need write *: );
/ at the end of name means must match directory;
set iGnore path list in oldPath when Directory Diff;
if oldFile can be changed, need add it in old ignore list;
set iGnore path list in newPath when Directory Diff;
in general, new ignore list should is empty;
create a Manifest file for inputPath; it is a text file, saved infos of
all files and directoriy list in inputPath; this file while be used in
manifest diff, support re-checksum data by manifest diff;
can be used to protect historical versions be modified!
oldManifestFile is created from oldPath; if no oldPath not need -M-old;
newManifestFile is created from newPath;
-D force run Directory diff between two files; DEFAULT (no -D) run
directory diff need oldPath or newPath is directory.
-d Diff only, do't run patch check, DEFAULT run patch check.
-t Test only, run patch check, patch(oldPath,testDiffFile)==newPath ?
-f Force overwrite, ignore write path already exists;
DEFAULT (no -f) not overwrite and then return error;
if used -f and write path is exist directory, will always return error.
swap to hpatchz mode.
-h or -?
output Help info (this usage).
-v output Version info.
patch usage: hpatchz [options] oldPath diffFile outNewPath
uncompress usage: hpatchz [options] "" diffFile outNewPath
create SFX: hpatchz [-X-exe#selfExecuteFile] diffFile -X#outSelfExtractArchive
run SFX: selfExtractArchive [options] oldPath -X outNewPath
extract SFX: selfExtractArchive (same as: selfExtractArchive -f "" -X "./")
memory options:
DEFAULT -s-64m; oldPath loaded as Stream;
cacheSize can like 262144 or 256k or 512m or 2g etc....
requires (cacheSize + 4*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
if diffFile is single compressed diffData, then requires
(cacheSize+ stepSize + 1*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory;
see: hdiffz -SD-stepSize option.
if diffFile is bsdiff diffData, then requires
(cacheSize + 3*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory;
see: hdiffz -BSD option.
-m oldPath all loaded into Memory;
requires (oldFileSize + 4*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
if diffFile is single compressed diffData, then requires
(oldFileSize+ stepSize + 1*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
if diffFile is bsdiff diffData, then requires
(oldFileSize + 3*decompress buffer size)+O(1) bytes of memory.
special options:
set Checksum data for directory patch, DEFAULT -C-new-copy;
checksumSets support (can choose multiple):
-C-diff checksum diffFile;
-C-old checksum old reference files;
-C-new checksum new files edited from old reference files;
-C-copy checksum new files copy from old same files;
-C-no no checksum;
-C-all same as: -C-diff-old-new-copy;
limit Number of open files at same time when stream directory patch;
maxOpenFileNumber>=8, DEFAULT -n-24, the best limit value by different
operating system.
-f Force overwrite, ignore write path already exists;
DEFAULT (no -f) not overwrite and then return error;
support oldPath outNewPath same path!(patch to tempPath and overwrite old)
if used -f and outNewPath is exist file:
if patch output file, will overwrite;
if patch output directory, will always return error;
if used -f and outNewPath is exist directory:
if patch output file, will always return error;
if patch output directory, will overwrite, but not delete
needless existing files in directory.
-h or -?
output Help info (this usage).
-v output Version info.
all diff&patch function in file: libHDiffPatch/HDiff/diff.h
& libHDiffPatch/HPatch/patch.h
dir_diff() & dir patch in: dirDiffPatch/dir_diff/dir_diff.h
& dirDiffPatch/dir_patch/dir_patch.h
- create diff(in newData,in oldData,out diffData); release the diffData for update oldData.
- patch(out newData,in oldData,in diffData); ok , get the newData.
- create_diff()
- patch()
- patch_stream()
- patch_stream_with_cache()
- create_compressed_diff()
- create_compressed_diff_stream()
- resave_compressed_diff()
- patch_decompress()
- patch_decompress_with_cache()
- patch_decompress_mem()
- dir_diff()
- TDirPatcher_*() functions with struct TDirPatcher
- create_single_compressed_diff()
- create_single_compressed_diff_stream()
- resave_single_compressed_diff()
- patch_single_stream()
- patch_single_stream_mem()
- patch_single_compressed_diff()
- patch_single_stream_diff()
v4.1 API, bsdiff wrapper: - create_bsdiff()
- bspatch_with_cache()
case list:
newFile <-- oldFile | newSize | oldSize | |
1 | apache-maven-2.2.1-src.tar <-- apache-maven-2.0.11-src.tar | 5150720 | 4689920 |
2 | httpd_2.4.4-netware-bin.tar <-- httpd_2.2.24-netware-bin.tar | 22612480 | 17059328 |
3 | httpd-2.4.4-src.tar <-- httpd-2.2.24-src.tar | 31809536 | 37365760 |
4 | Firefox-21.0-mac-en-US.app.tar <-- Firefox-20.0-mac-en-US.app.tar | 98740736 | 96340480 |
5 | emacs-24.3.tar <-- emacs-23.4.tar | 185528320 | 166420480 |
6 | eclipse-java-juno-SR2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar <-- eclipse-java-juno-SR2-macosx-cocoa.tar | 178595840 | 178800640 |
7 | gcc-4.8.0.tar <-- gcc-4.7.0.tar | 552775680 | 526745600 |
test PC: Windows11, CPU Ryzen 5800H, SSD Disk, Memroy 8G*2 DDR4 3200MHz
Program version: HDiffPatch4.1, BsDiff4.3, xdelta3.1
test Program:
xdelta diff with -e -n -f -s {old} {new} {pat}
xdelta patch with -d -f -s {old} {pat} {new}
xdelta -B diff with -B {oldSize} -e -n -f -s {old} {new} {pat}
xdelta -B patch with -B {oldSize} -d -f -s {old} {pat} {new}
bsdiff diff with {old} {new} {pat}
bspatch patch with {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -BSD diff with -m-6 -BSD -block -d -f -p-1 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -bzip2 diff with -m-6 -SD -block -d -f -p-1 -c-bzip2-9 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -zlib diff with -m-6 -SD -block -d -f -p-1 -c-zlib-9 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -lzma2 diff with -m-6 -SD -block -d -f -p-1 -c-lzma-9-16m {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -zstd diff with -m-6 -SD -block -d -f -p-1 -c-zstd-20-24 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -s -zlib diff with -s-64 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-zlib-9 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -s -lzma2 diff with -s-64 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-lzma-9-16m {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -s -zstd diff with -s-64 -SD -d -f -p-1 -c-zstd-17-24 {old} {new} {pat}
hpatchz patch with -s-256k -f {old} {pat} {new}
test result average:
Program | compress | diff mem(MB) | speed(MB/S) | patch mem(MB) | max mem(MB) | speed(MB/S) |
bzip2 | 31.76% | |||||
lzma2 | 28.47% | |||||
xdelta3 | 12.18% | 212 | 6.9 | 84 | 98 | 53.8 |
xdelta3 -B | 7.35% | 442 | 19.5 | 197 | 534 | 174.1 |
bsdiff | 6.63% | 1263 | 2.3 | 298 | 1043 | 119.7 |
hdiffz -BSD | 5.67% | 596 | 15.8 | 12 | 14 | 130.8 |
hdiffz -bzip2 | 5.77% | 596 | 17.4 | 7 | 7 | 208.0 |
hdiffz -zlib | 5.93% | 596 | 17.4 | 4 | 4 | 374.2 |
hdiffz -lzma2 | 5.02% | 597 | 13.2 | 12 | 20 | 321.4 |
hdiffz -zstd | 5.22% | 660 | 12.3 | 13 | 20 | 382.6 |
hdiffz -s -zlib | 8.13% | 44 | 40.7 | 4 | 4 | 436.3 |
hdiffz -s -lzma2 | 6.39% | 119 | 17.4 | 13 | 20 | 337.3 |
hdiffz -s -zstd | 6.82% | 73 | 24.1 | 13 | 20 | 464.0 |
case list:
newFile <-- oldFile | newSize | oldSize | |
1 | 12306_5.2.11.apk <-- 12306_5.1.2.apk | 61120025 | 66209244 |
2 | alipay10.1.99.apk <-- alipay10.1.95.apk | 94178674 | 90951351 |
3 | alipay10.2.0.apk <-- alipay10.1.99.apk | 95803005 | 94178674 |
4 | baidumaps10.25.0.apk <-- baidumaps10.24.12.apk | 95539893 | 104527191 |
5 | baidumaps10.25.5.apk <-- baidumaps10.25.0.apk | 95526276 | 95539893 |
6 | bilibili6.15.0.apk <-- bilibili6.14.0.apk | 74783182 | 72067209 |
7 | chrome-64-0-3282-137.apk <-- chrome-64-0-3282-123.apk | 43879588 | 43879588 |
8 | chrome-65-0-3325-109.apk <-- chrome-64-0-3282-137.apk | 43592997 | 43879588 |
9 | didi6.0.2.apk <-- didi6.0.0.apk | 100866981 | 91462767 |
10 | firefox68.10.0.apk <-- firefox68.9.0.apk | 43543846 | 43531470 |
11 | firefox68.10.1.apk <-- firefox68.10.0.apk | 43542786 | 43543846 |
12 | google-maps-9-71-0.apk <-- google-maps-9-70-0.apk | 50568872 | 51304768 |
13 | google-maps-9-72-0.apk <-- google-maps-9-71-0.apk | 54342938 | 50568872 |
14 | jd9.0.0.apk <-- jd8.5.12.apk | 96891703 | 94233891 |
15 | jd9.0.8.apk <-- jd9.0.0.apk | 97329322 | 96891703 |
16 | jinianbeigu2_1.12.4.apk <-- jinianbeigu2_1.12.3.apk | 171611658 | 159691189 |
17 | lushichuanshuo19.4.71003.apk <-- lushichuanshuo19.2.69054.apk | 93799693 | 93442621 |
18 | meituan10.9.401.apk <-- meituan10.9.203.apk | 88956726 | 89384406 |
19 | minecraft1.17.30.apk <-- minecraft1.17.20.apk | 373025314 | 370324338 |
20 | minecraft1.18.10.apk <-- minecraft1.17.30.apk | 401075178 | 373025314 |
21 | popcap.pvz2_2.4.84.1010.apk <-- popcap.pvz2_2.4.84.1009.apk | 387572492 | 386842079 |
22 | supercell.clashofclans13.369.3.apk <-- supercell.clashofclans13.180.18.apk | 152896934 | 149011539 |
23 | tangmumaopaoku4.8.0.971.apk <-- tangmumaopaoku4.6.0.913.apk | 105486308 | 104732413 |
24 | taobao9.8.0.apk <-- taobao9.7.2.apk | 178734456 | 176964070 |
25 | taobao9.9.1.apk <-- taobao9.8.0.apk | 184437315 | 178734456 |
26 | tiktok11.5.0.apk <-- tiktok11.3.0.apk | 88544106 | 87075000 |
27 | translate6.9.0.apk <-- translate6.8.0.apk | 28171978 | 28795243 |
28 | translate6.9.1.apk <-- translate6.9.0.apk | 31290990 | 28171978 |
29 | weixin7.0.15.apk <-- weixin7.0.14.apk | 148405483 | 147695111 |
30 | weixin7.0.16.apk <-- weixin7.0.15.apk | 158906413 | 148405483 |
31 | wps12.5.2.apk <-- wps12.5.1.apk | 51293286 | 51136905 |
32 | yuanshichuanqi1.3.608.apk <-- yuanshichuanqi1.3.607.apk | 192578139 | 192577253 |
changed test Program:
hdiffz ... -m-6
changed to -m-1 -cache
hdiffz ... -s-64
changed to -s-16
hdiffz added diff with -m-1 -cache -SD -block -d -f -p-1 {old} {new} {pat}
hdiffz -s added diff with -s-16 -SD -d -f -p-1 {old} {new} {pat}
sfpatcher -1 -zstd diff with -o-1 -c-zstd-21-24 -p-1 -block -cache -d {old} {new} {pat}
, patch with -lp -p-8 {old} {pat} {new}
( sfpatcher optimized diff&patch between apk files )
test result average:
Program | compress | diff mem(MB) | speed(MB/S) | patch mem(MB) | max mem(MB) | speed(MB/S) |
xdelta3 | 59.92% | 228 | 2.8 | 100 | 101 | 157.4 |
xdelta3 -B | 59.51% | 440 | 3.0 | 206 | 549 | 154.6 |
bsdiff | 59.76% | 1035 | 1.0 | 244 | 752 | 41.1 |
hdiffz -BSD | 59.50% | 524 | 5.5 | 13 | 14 | 42.6 |
hdiffz -bzip2 | 59.54% | 524 | 5.6 | 7 | 7 | 55.7 |
hdiffz | 59.87% | 524 | 7.2 | 4 | 4 | 658.4 |
hdiffz -zlib | 59.10% | 524 | 6.7 | 4 | 4 | 504.9 |
hdiffz -lzma2 | 58.67% | 537 | 3.5 | 20 | 20 | 279.8 |
hdiffz -zstd | 58.74% | 536 | 4.1 | 20 | 21 | 596.5 |
hdiffz -s | 60.46% | 133 | 32.5 | 4 | 4 | 679.9 |
hdiffz -s -zlib | 59.52% | 133 | 23.6 | 4 | 4 | 555.8 |
hdiffz -s -lzma2 | 59.02% | 210 | 5.5 | 20 | 20 | 268.4 |
hdiffz -s -zstd | 59.26% | 139 | 8.6 | 20 | 20 | 619.2 |
sfpatcher -1 -zstd | 31.70% | 773 | 2.7 | 24 | 29 | 399.8 |