TicketServiceApplication assumptions#Notes#
1)Seatavailability are only based on no of seats available (no rows involved) and I have multiplied rows with seats in each row and tabulated as total seats in tables
2)Maxlevel is 1 and Minlevel is 4
3)If user selects (maxlevel<minlevel)(1<3) then system try to hold seats in the maxlevel if it is available other wise it increment by 1 till it reaches minlevel and hold available seats in that range of levels if not found send response as cant hold and wont assign any level to that user
4)If user selects (maxlevel>minlevel) then system will only check for minlevel seats availability and hold them if they are available else send response as cant hold and wont assign any level to that user
If user select (maxlevel=minlevel) then it chooses one since both are same and do selection as available or not available
If user does not select any level then system start iterating the levels from 4 to 1 what ever available seats are found it will allocate accordingly to user
As soon you start the server with cmd (mvn spring-boot:run) it loads the data to inbuilt memory, and you are good to go for calling endpoints . I will create WADL for the project that will be attached in the email
When ever user confirms the held seats status of the row will be changed to reserved and as a response send back the reservation id
How to run# The project is built on spring-boot use cmd (mvn clean install) for creating the war file, it runs all testcases, compiles code and creates war use cmd (mvn spring-boot:run) for running the server