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ndx-events Extension for NWB

This is an NWB extension for storing timestamped event data and TTL pulses.

The latest version is 0.3.0. This is a major change from previous versions.

EventTypesTable: Event types (e.g., lick, reward left, reward right, airpuff, reach) and metadata about them should be stored in an EventTypesTable object.

  • EventTypesTable inherits from DynamicTable and stores metadata related to each event type, one per row.
  • An "event_name" text column is required.
  • A "event_type_description" text column is required.
  • The table allows for an arbitrary number of custom columns to be added for additional metadata for each event type.
  • This table is intended to live in a Task object at the path "general/task" in the NWBFile.

EventsTable: Event times and metadata about them should be stored in an EventsTable object.

  • EventsTable inherits from DynamicTable and stores metadata related to each event time / instance, one per row.
  • A "timestamp" column of type TimestampVectorData is required.
  • A “duration” column of type DurationVectorData is optional.
  • An “event_type” column that is a foreign key reference to a row index of the EventTypesTable is required.
  • A "value" text column is optional. This enables storage of another layer of events within an event type. This could store different reward sizes or different tone frequencies or other parameterizations of an event. For example, if you have three levels of reward (e.g., 1 drop, 2 drops, 3 drops), instead of encoding each level of reward as its own event type (e.g., "reward_value_1", "reward_value_2", "reward_value_3", you could encode "reward" as the event type, and the value for each event time could be "1", "2", or "3".
  • Because this inherits from DynamicTable, users can add additional custom columns to store other metadata.
  • This table is intended to live either under the "acquisition" group or in a "behavior" ProcessingModule, i.e., under the "processing/behavior" group.

TtlTypesTable: TTL pulse types and metadata about them should be stored in a TtlTypesTable object.

  • TtlTypesTable inherits from EventTypesTable and stores metadata related to each TTL pulse type, one per row.
  • A "pulse_value" unsigned integer column is required.
  • This table is intended to live in a Task object at the path "general/task" in the NWBFile.

TtlsTable: TTL pulses and metadata about them should be stored in a TtlsTable object.

  • TtlsTable inherits from EventsTable.
  • The "event_type" column inherited from EventsTable should refer to the TtlTypesTable.
  • This table is intended to live either under the "acquisition" group or in a "behavior" ProcessingModule, i.e., under the "processing/behavior" group.

This extension defines a few additional neurodata types related to storing events:

Task: Task type is a subtype of the LabMetaData type and holds the EventTypesTable and TtlTypesTable. This allows the Task type to be added as a group in the root "general" group.

TimestampVectorData: The TimestampVectorData type stores a 1D array of timestamps in seconds.

  • Values are in seconds from session start time.
  • It has a "unit" attribute. The value of the attribute is fixed to "seconds".
  • It has a "resolution" attribute that represents the smallest possible difference between two timestamps. Usually 1 divided by the sampling rate for timestamps of the data acquisition system.

DurationVectorData: The DurationVectorData type that stores a 1D array of durations in seconds.

  • It is otherwise identical to the TimestampVectorData type.

This extension was developed by Ryan Ly, Oliver Rübel, and the NWB Technical Advisory Board. Information about the rationale, background, and alternative approaches to this extension can be found here:


The latest ndx-events 0.3.0 has not yet been released on PyPI. To install it on Python, use:

pip install git+

To install the 0.2.0 version, use: Python:

pip install -U ndx-events


generateExtension('<directory path>/ndx-events/spec/ndx-events.namespace.yaml');

Developer installation

In a Python 3.8-3.12 environment:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .

Run tests:


Install pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

Style and other checks:

black .
ruff .
codespell .

This extension was created using ndx-template.


NWB extension to store event and TTL pulse data







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