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Unofficial Terraform Provider for IDCloudHost

This is my personal idcloudhost terraform provider. It allows managing resources within compute and storage resources.

Example Usage

1. Load providers

terraform {
  required_providers {
    idcloudhost = {
      source = "rizalmf/idcloudhost"
      version = "~> 1.2.0"

2. Configure the idcloudhost provider

provider "idcloudhost" {
  # you can obtain by create new access as API Token on idcloudhost dashboard

  ## optional. if unset will use your user default location 
  default_location="jkt01" # jkt01(SouthJKT-a), jkt02(NorthJKT-a), jkt03(WestJKT-a), sgp01(Singapore)

3. Create s3 bucket storage

# changable field:
# - billing_account_id
resource "idcloudhost_s3" "mybucket" {
  name = "mybucket"
  billing_account_id = 000000

4. Create a VPC network

# changable field:
# - name
resource "idcloudhost_private_network" "myprivatenetwork" {
  # network_uuid = <Computed>
  name = "mynetwork"

  # (optional). if unset will use your user default location 
  # this field overwrite "default_location"
  # you can not change location on update
  location = "jkt01" # jkt01(SouthJKT-a), jkt02(NorthJKT-a), jkt03(WestJKT-a), sgp01(Singapore)
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [ location ]


5. Create Floating IP

# changable field:
# - name
# - billing_account_id
resource "idcloudhost_float_ip" "myfloatip" {
  # address = <Computed>
  name = "myfloatnetwork"
  billing_account_id = 000000

  # (optional). if unset will use your user default location 
  # this field overwrite "default_location"
  # you can not change location on update
  location = "jkt01" # jkt01(SouthJKT-a), jkt02(NorthJKT-a), jkt03(WestJKT-a), sgp01(Singapore)
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [ location ]


6. Create Vm

# id = VM UUID
# changable field:
# - name
# - ram
# - vcpu
# - disks
# - float_ip_address
# - desired_status
resource "idcloudhost_vm" "myvm" {
  # uuid = <Computed>
  # disks_uuid = <Computed>
  name = "myvm"
  billing_account_id = 000000
  username = "myusername"
  password = "Mypassword1"
  os_name = "ubuntu"
  os_version = "22.04-lts"
  vcpu = 2
  ram = 2048 #mb
  disks = 20 #gb

  # bind existing private network
  private_network_uuid = idcloudhost_private_network.myprivatenetwork.network_uuid 
  # (optional) assign to floating ip network. if not, vm doesnt have public ip
  float_ip_address = idcloudhost_float_ip.myfloatip.address

  # add plan will ignored. changing vcpu & ram require desired_status = "stopped"
  desired_status = "stopped" # "stopped", "running"
  # (optional). if unset will use your user default location 
  # this field overwrite "default_location"
  # you can not change location on update
  location = "jkt01" # jkt01(SouthJKT-a), jkt02(NorthJKT-a), jkt03(WestJKT-a), sgp01(Singapore)
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [ location, os_name, os_version, username, password, billing_account_id ]


7. Create Load Balancer (Vms target only)

# prepare a local values
locals {
  # forwarding rules
  lb_rules = [
    { source_port = 8080, target_port=80 }

  # target servers
  lb_targets = [
    { uuid="XXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX" }, # uuid of vm1
    { uuid="XXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX" }, # uuid of vm2
    { uuid="XXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX" }, # uuid of vm3

# id = UUID
# changable field:
# - name
# - billing_account_id
# - targets
# - rules
resource "idcloudhost_loadbalancer" "mylb" {
  # uuid = <Computed>
  name = "myloadbalancer"
  billing_account_id = 000000
  # bind existing private network
  private_network_uuid = idcloudhost_private_network.myprivatenetwork.network_uuid

  # (optional) assign to floating ip network. if not, lb doesnt have public ip
  float_ip_address = idcloudhost_float_ip.anotherfloatip.address

  # (optional). if unset will use your user default location 
  # this field overwrite "default_location"
  # you can not change location on update
  location = "jkt01" # jkt01(SouthJKT-a), jkt02(NorthJKT-a), jkt03(WestJKT-a), sgp01(Singapore)

  dynamic "rules" {
    for_each = locals.lb_rules
    content {
      source_port = rules.value.source_port
      target_port = rules.value.target_port

  dynamic "targets" {
    for_each = locals.lb_targets
    content {
      target_uuid = targets.value.target_uuid
      target_type = targets.value.target_type
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes = [ location, private_network_uuid ]


Next Development

  • Resource LB Network(Load Balancer)
  • ✅ Resource VM add desired_status (v1.2.0)
  • ✅ Specific resource location (v1.1.0)
  • ✅ Support terraform import (v1.1.0)
  • ✅ Docs (v1.0.6)
  • ✅ Github Action workflow (1.0.5)
  • ✅ Resource Float IP (v1.0.4)
  • ✅ Resource VM (v1.0.3)
  • ✅ Resource Private Network (v1.0.3)
  • ✅ Resource S3 (v1.0.3)