To run VINS-RGBD using structure core's data by:
- enter the foloder: vins_estimator/launch
- roslaunch struct_core.launch
- publish structure core's bag file by: rosbag play xx.bag
Based one open source SLAM framework VINS-Mono.
The approach contains
- Depth-integrated visual-inertial initialization process.
- Visual-inertial odometry by utilizing depth information while avoiding the limitation is working for 3D pose estimation.
- Noise elimination map which is suitable for path planning and navigation.
However, the proposed approach can also be applied to other application like handheld and wheeled robot.
1.1. Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.
1.2. ROS version Kinetic or Melodic fully installation
1.3. Ceres Solver Follow Ceres Installation
1.4. Sophus
git clone
git checkout a621ff
Recording by RealSense D435i. Contain 9 bags in three different applicaions:
Note the rosbags are in compressed format. Use "rosbag decompress" to decompress.
- depth topic: /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw
- color topic: /camera/color/image_raw
- imu topic: /camera/imu
The source code is released under GPLv3 license.