Find email addresses in bulk by using names and domains. Made using email-permutator and email-existence, the program returns a CSV file of valid email addresses. Useful for email marketing - you could find almost any email on the web using this.
- Install via NPM
npm i bulk-email-check
- IMPORTANT: Save your CSV in the root folder (to use the example below, rename it to file.csv)
- Pass the input CSV file in generateEmails function
- Locate the output CSV file (valid_emails.csv) in the root folder of the project
const echeck = require('bulk-email-check');
echeck.generateEmails('file.csv'); // IMPORTANT: the CSV should be in First Name | Last Name | Domain format. Please check the example CSV.
First Name | Last Name | domain |
Shanu | Goyanka | |
The program takes in first name and last name of the prospect and generates several email combinations. Post that, all combinations go through an existence check, which involves telnetting to the MX server of the email domain and attempting to send an email to the supplied address. MX servers return 250 if the email address exists (it does not follow through with sending the test email). Finally, the valid emails are exported in CSV format.
As the output includes all valid email addresses, the program may sometimes return email addresses that do not belong to that particular user. For instance, if someone searches for 'John Hancock' at '', one of the valid emails that the program will return could be '' - but this could belong to 'Jane Hancock'.