This project provides a library and CLI programm for the HomeEasy (now Smartwares) HE853 USB RF remote control sender. The sender is used for toggling 433MHz (433.92MHz) RF controlled devices.
USB stick VID:PID identity and name: 04d9:1357 Holtek Semiconductor, Inc.
The library was extracted in 2012 from roseasy which is a part of the ROS (Robot Operating System) project. The code is longer available.
Another project that provides a C# Windows SDK for the dongle is the HE853 Control Project.
You can build the CLI programm by simply running
To install the binary and the udev rule file to provide access for the users group run
sudo make install
The default protocol is EU
- you can adjust this in the main.cpp
or pass it in over the command line - see parameters below.
Usage: ./he853 [<DeviceID> <Command> [<Protocol>]]
DeviceID - ID of the device to act on
Command - 0=OFF, 1=ON
NOTE: AnBan has also values > 1
Protocol - A=AnBan, U=UK, E=EU, K=KAKU, L=ALL
Default protocol is 'E'
NOTE: Protocol ALL is meant for tests and sends out with all protocols!
Without parameters the device status will be shown
NOTE: You have to have proper access rigths to the USB stick to use it
but the program will tell you if it can't properly access the stick.
Either you can use sudo
or by installing the udev rules file.
Good documentation about udev usage and debug is here
The command is either a 0 for OFF or anything > 0 for ON. To program the power socket you have to place the power socket into learning mode and send the ON command to it:
./he853 2001 1
After that you can use the deviceId 2001 for toggling the power socket.
For the KAKU (KlikAanKlikUit, Archtech, Intertechno PAR, ...) protocol you can use to calculate the number. But it's fairly easy - take group (A-P = 0-15), multiply by 16 and add devices number (0-15).
- libusb-1.0 development headers
- udev development headers sometimes required for static builds, sometimes not :)
allows setting of RUN_DRY and DEBUG
<?php exec("/opt/bin/he853 2001 1"); ?>
- doesn't compile on OSX
- Compiling under Optware-ng works out of the box after installing all required dependencies, for Entware-ng you need to install include files manually but they recommend to crosscompile. Native build required some adjustments for the Makefile:
all: he853
hid-libusb.o: hid-libusb.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -Wl,-rpath,"/opt/lib" -I/opt/include/libusb-1.0 -c $< -o $@
he853: main.o he853.o hid-libusb.o
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $+ -Wl,-dynamic-linker,/opt/lib/ -Wl,-rpath,"/opt/lib" -o $@ -lusb-1.0 -lpthread
$(RM) *.o he853