Releases: rikhall1515/nextjs-project-template
Releases · rikhall1515/nextjs-project-template
3.0.0 (2024-05-08)
Bug Fixes
- add --fix option to prettier (6b57b1e)
- changemenu: fix closing and opening related menus (42f2f19)
- css: specify html element for the root variables (8824015)
- env: add jiti build time validation (#40) (704c721), closes #37
- skipbtn: make the link focus visible and add id to main (3a2ca61)
Code Refactoring
- sidebar: add sidebar to dialog, remove unneeded context (a38bb85)
- add a not-found catch-all route (059ef17)
- add about tab to manage consent modal (99dbbd2)
- add base layout (51c834c)
- add base layout for public pages (b879169)
- add base styles with variables highlighting (5a9f53e)
- add button to expand dashboard sidebar (6cc83c0)
- add consent tab to manage modal (7e8ef44)
- add context provider barrel to layout (d519d89)
- add cookie checkboxes (cac740c)
- add cookie component (d4a67a2)
- add cookie component (61372c6)
- add cookie context (eb99174)
- add dashboard context with localstorage support (33ef4a3)
- add demo privacy policy (fe35b7e)
- add details tab to manage modal (a320f95)
- add dynamic og image (b94f51e)
- add empty company details page (060b3a6)
- add footer button to open menu (833d244)
- add footer buttons to manage modal (d1788da)
- add footer component (ea35614)
- add metadata to base layout.tsx (6602372)
- add metadata to page.tsx (17d7032)
- add metadata to sign in page (b91c2ac)
- add metadata to sign up page (8681165)
- add next theme context (e5289fe)
- add robots file (0963885)
- add sidebar context (b363163)
- add sign in page (a41c0b4)
- add sign up page (8fa2d48)
- add site manifest (fae2f28)
- add sitemap file (d48bb83)
- add vercel analytics (4fe346e)
- assemble manage consent menu (1e6ec74)
- cookie: add change menu to withdraw or change consent (b5e0aff)
- dashboard: add empty pages to the dashboard (973c207)
- dashboard: add layout with sidebar to dashboard pages (e280067)
- db: add auth callback with redirect (fca54d4)
- db: add client-side supabase (2e19938)
- db: add next.js middleware (c84ad94)
- db: add server-side supabase client with cookies (d2b7d0a)
- db: add supabase middleware (9a47ddb)
- env: add client t3 env validation (24de083)
- env: add server t3 env validation (d5bae6f)
- error: add global error page (7fca1f2)
- form: add inputs, labels, and error indicators (665e47b)
- header: add a header component (42bff5f)
- header: add a header component (cffd153)
- hero: add hero section with gradient svgs and grid bg (d3082ef)
- move page to public collation folder (6014c06)
- theme: add theme toggle dropdown (0e8e2ce)
Performance Improvements
- context: split up context and memoize values and functions (8687ccd)
- cookie: manage rsc and client cmp, use native dialog, memoize (d9ce9b2)
- extract static code, remove context, remove logout (e4aac8f)
- header: remove unnecessary stylistic mounting logic (a99e1ba)
- remove changeMenu, perf improe toast, a11y (4fedd09)
- sidebar: change around context, this is wip (c882af9)
- sidebar: remove unnecessary context and swap sidebar to dialog ([b965d2d](
2.0.0 (2024-04-12)
Bug Fixes
- fix error with react types not being installed during production build (e6447f6)
- pnpm: fix package.json and lockfile mismatch (d18e722)
- repo: converted the repo into a turborepo (2b07e62)
- repo: CI scripts will not work. CI and Vercel need to be configured to run with the new