Test API (running via Flask) is currently hosted at https://uk-mp-voting-data-test1.herokuapp.com/ (to be eventually migrated to AWS Lambda)
Available endpoints:
- get_mp_list - Returns a list of all active MPs
- get_mp_votes - Returns a list of voting positions for a specific MP (must provide a personId in the query)
- get_mp_name - Returns an MP name (based on the provided personId)
- get_mp_data - Returns an MP's full metadata (based on the provided personId)
- get_mp_data_by_name - Returns an MP's full metadata (based on the provided name)
- get_mp_votes_by_name - Returns a list of voting positions for a specific MP (must provide a name in the query)
e.g. https://uk-mp-voting-data-test1.herokuapp.com/get_mp_name?personId=10001
e.g. https://uk-mp-voting-data-test1.herokuapp.com/get_mp_votes_by_name?name=Keir%20Starmer