TLPhotoPicker enables application to pick images and videos from multiple smart album in iOS, similar to the current facebook app.
Facebook Picker | TLPhotoPicker |
- support smart album collection.
- camera roll, selfies, panoramas, favorites, videos, custom users album
- selected order index.
- playback video and live photos.
- just one. playback first video or live Photo in bounds of visible cell.
- display video duration.
- async phasset request and displayed cell.
- scrolling performance is better than facebook in displaying video assets collection.
- custom cell
Smart album collection | LivePhotoCell | VideoPhotoCell | PhotoCell | CustomCell(instagram) |
- Swift 3.0
- iOS 9.1 (live photos)
TLPhotoPicker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '9.1'
pod "TLPhotoPicker"
Don't forget the Privacy Description in info.plist
- use delegate & custom cell
class ViewController: UIViewController,TLPhotosPickerViewControllerDelegate {
var selectedAssets = [TLPHAsset]()
@IBAction func pickerButtonTap() {
let viewController = TLPhotosPickerViewController()
viewController.delegate = self
var configure = TLPhotosPickerConfigure()
//configure.nibSet = (nibName: "CustomCell_Instagram", bundle: Bundle.main) // If you want use your custom cell..
self.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func dismissPhotoPicker(withTLPHAssets: [TLPHAsset]) {
// use selected order, fullresolution image
self.selectedAssets = withTLPHAssets
func dismissPhotoPicker(withPHAssets: [PHAsset]) {
// if you want to used phasset.
func photoPickerDidCancel() {
// cancel
func didExceedMaximumNumberOfSelection(picker: TLPhotosPickerViewController) {
// exceed max selection
//Custom Cell must subclass TLPhotoCollectionViewCell
class CustomCell_Instagram: TLPhotoCollectionViewCell {
- use closure
convenience public init(withPHAssets: (([PHAsset]) -> Void)? = nil, didCancel: ((Void) -> Void)? = nil)
convenience public init(withTLPHAssets: (([TLPHAsset]) -> Void)? = nil, didCancel: ((Void) -> Void)? = nil)
open var didExceedMaximumNumberOfSelection: ((TLPhotosPickerViewController) -> Void)? = nil
class ViewController: UIViewController,TLPhotosPickerViewControllerDelegate {
var selectedAssets = [TLPHAsset]()
@IBAction func pickerButtonTap() {
let viewController = TLPhotosPickerViewController(withTLPHAssets: { [weak self] (assets) in // TLAssets
self?.selectedAssets = assets
}, didCancel: nil)
viewController.didExceedMaximumNumberOfSelection = { [weak self] (picker) in
//exceed max selection
viewController.selectedAssets = self.selectedAssets
self.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
- TLPHAsset
public struct TLPHAsset {
public enum AssetType {
case photo,video,livePhoto
// phasset
public var phAsset: PHAsset? = nil
// selected order index
public var selectedOrder: Int = 0
// asset type
public var type: AssetType
// get full resolution image
public var fullResolutionImage: UIImage?
// get original asset file name
public var originalFileName: String?
let viewController = TLPhotosPickerViewController()
var configure = TLPhotosPickerConfigure()
viewController.configure = configure
public struct TLPhotosPickerConfigure {
public var defaultCameraRollTitle = "Camera Roll"
public var tapHereToChange = "Tap here to change"
public var usedCameraButton = true
public var usedPrefetch = false
public var allowedLivePhotos = true
public var allowedVideo = true
public var numberOfColumn = 3
public var maxSelectedAssets: Int? = nil //default: inf
public var selectedColor = UIColor(red: 88/255, green: 144/255, blue: 255/255, alpha: 1.0)
public var cameraBgColor = UIColor(red: 221/255, green: 223/255, blue: 226/255, alpha: 1)
public var cameraIcon = TLBundle.podBundleImage(named: "camera")
public var videoIcon = TLBundle.podBundleImage(named: "video")
public var placeholderIcon = TLBundle.podBundleImage(named: "insertPhotoMaterial")
public var nibSet: (nibName: String, bundle:Bundle)? = nil // custom cell
public init() {
TLPhotoPicker is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.