python lib for simpleMDM API
Your SimpleMDM API key will need to be set as an environmental variable api_key
Help available via `help(SimpleMDMpy)
class Account(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| account class provides auth and basic account details
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| get_account_details(self)
| returns account details as dict
| set_account_details(self, name=None, country_code=None)
| set account detail
class AppGroups(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| App Groups class provides interaction with Application Groups
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| assign_app(self, app_group_id, app_id)
| remove app group from group
| assign_device(self, app_group_id, device_id)
| assign device to app group
| assign_device_group(self, app_group_id, device_group_id)
| assign device group from app group
| create_app_group(self, name, auto_deploy='true')
| create app group
| delete_app_group(self, app_group_id)
| remove app group
| get_app_group(self, app_group_id='all')
| Get an app group, defaults to 'all' if 'app_group_id' is not present
| push_apps(self, app_group_id)
| push apps in app group
| un_assign_app(self, app_group_id, app_id)
| unassign app from app group
| un_assign_device(self, app_group_id, device_id)
| unassign apps in app group
| un_assign_device_group(self, app_group_id, device_group_id)
| remove device group from app group
| update_app_group(self, app_group_id, name=None, auto_deploy='true')
| update app group
| update_apps(self, app_group_id)
| update apps
class Apps(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| apps module for SimpleMDMpy
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| create_app(self, name=None, app_store_id=None, bundle_id=None, binary=None)
| upload an app binary
| delete_app(self, app_id)
| delete an app
| get_app(self, app_id='all')
| list app, if none specified all return
| update_app(self, app_id, binary=None, name=None)
| update an apps info binary etc
class AssignmentGroups(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| assignment groups module for SimpleMDMpy
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| assign_app(self, assignment_group_id, app_id)
| assign app to an assignment group
| assign_device(self, assignment_group_id, device_id)
| assign device to an assignment group
| assign_device_group(self, assignment_group_id, device_group_id)
| assigns a device group
| create_assignment_group(self, name, auto_deploy)
| creates an assignment group
| delete_assignment_group(self, assignment_group_id)
| delete an app to an assignment group
| get_assignment_groups(self, assignment_group_id='all')
| returns assignment group(s), defaults to all if none specified
| push_apps(self, assignment_group_id)
| push apps in an assignment group
| unassign_app(self, assignment_group_id, app_id)
| unassign app to an assignment group
| unassign_device(self, assignment_group_id, device_id)
| unassign device to an assignment group
| unassign_device_group(self, assignment_group_id, device_group_id)
| delete a device group assignment
| update_apps(self, assignment_group_id)
| update apps in an assignment group
| update_assignment_group(self, assignment_group_id, name, auto_deploy)
| updates an assignment group
class CustomAttributes(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| work with custom attributes
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| create_custom_attribute(self, name)
| create custom attribute
| delete_custom_attribute(self, custom_attribute_id)
| deletes custom attribute
| get_custom_attributes(self)
| lists all custom attributes
class CustomConfigurationProfiles(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| work with custom profiles
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| assign_to_device_group(self, profile_id, device_group_id)
| assigns custom profile to group
| create_profile(self, name, mobileconfig, user_scope=None, attribute_support=False)
| upload a config file
| delete_profile(self, profile_id)
| deletes custom profile
| get_profiles(self)
| returns profiles
| unassign_from_device_group(self, profile_id, device_group_id)
| deletes profile from device group
| update_profile(self, profile_id, name=None, mobileconfig=None, user_scope=None, attribute_support=None)
| update a config file
class DepServers(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| module for interacting with dep server configurations
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| get_dep_devices(self, dep_server_id, dep_device_id='all')
| return a DEP device via an ID, defaults to all if none specified
| get_dep_servers(self, dep_server_id='all')
| returns dep servers, defaults to all if none specified
| sync_dep_servers(self, dep_server_id)
| syncs specified server with Apple DEP
class Devices(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| devices module for SimpleMDMpy
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| clear_firmware_password(self, device_id)
| You can use this method to remove the firmware password from a device.
| The firmware password must have been originally set using SimpleMDM for
| this to complete successfully.
| clear_passcode_device(self, device_id)
| You can use this method to unlock and remove the passcode of a device.
| create_device(self, name, group_id)
| Creates a new device object in SimpleMDM. The response
| body includes an enrollment URL that can be used once to
| enroll a physical device.
| delete_device(self, device_id)
| Unenroll a device and remove it from the account.
| get_custom_attribute(self, device_id, custom_attribute_name)
| get a devices custom attributes
| get_device(self, device_id='all', search=None)
| Returns a device specified by id. If no ID or search is
| specified all devices will be returned
| list_installed_apps(self, device_id)
| Returns a listing of the apps installed on a device.
| lock_device(self, device_id, message, phone_number, pin=None)
| You can use this method to lock a device and optionally display
| a message and phone number. The device can be unlocked with the
| existing passcode of the device.
| push_apps_device(self, device_id)
| You can use this method to push all assigned apps
| to a device that are not already installed.
| refresh_device(self, device_id)
| Request a refresh of the device information and app inventory.
| SimpleMDM will update the inventory information when the device responds
| to the request.
| restart_device(self, device_id)
| This command sends a restart command to the device.
| set_custom_attribute(self, value, device_id, custom_attribute_name)
| set a devices custom attribute to a specific value
| shutdown_device(self, device_id)
| This command sends a shutdown command to the device.
| update_device(self, name, device_id)
| Update the SimpleMDM name or device name of a device object.
| update_os(self, device_id)
| You can use this method to update a device to the latest OS version.
| Currently supported by iOS devices only.
| wipe_device(self, device_id)
| You can use this method to erase all content and settings stored on a
| device. The device will be unenrolled from SimpleMDM and returned to a
| factory default configuration.
class DeviceGroups(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| device groups module for SimpleMDMpy
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| assign_device(self, device_id, device_group_id)
| assign device to a group
| get_device_group(self, device_group_id='all')
| get a devices group
class Enrollments(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| enrollments module for SimpleMDMpy
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| delete_enrollment(self, enrollment_id)
| delete enrollment
| get_enrollments(self, enrollment_id='all')
| get a devices group
| send_invitation(self, enrollment_id, contact)
| Send an enrollment invitation to an email address or phone number.
class InstalledApps(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| Installed apps represent apps that are installed and exist on devices.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| delete_app(self, installed_app_id)
| This submits a request to the device to uninstall the specified app.
| The app must be managed for this request to succeed.
| get_app(self, installed_app_id)
| retrieve an installed app
| update(self, installed_app_id)
| This submits a request to the device to update the specified app to
| the latest version. The app must be managed for this request to succeed.
class Logs(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| GET all the LOGS
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| get_logs(self)
| And I mean all the LOGS, before pagination
class LostMode(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| Interact with lost mode on a device.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| disable(self, device_id)
| Disable lost mode on a device.
| enable(self, device_id)
| Activate lost mode on a device.
| play_sound(self, device_id)
| Request that the device play a sound to assist
| with locating it.
| update_location(self, device_id)
| Request that the device provide its current,
| up-to-date location. Location data can be viewed
| using the devices endpoint.
class ManagedAppConfigs(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| Create, modify, and remove the managed app configuration
| associated with an app.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| delete_config(self, app_id, managed_config_id)
| Delete managed config from an app by ID.
| get_managed_configs(self, app_id)
| "Retrieve the managed configs for an app.
| push_updates(self, app_id)
| Push any updates to the managed configurations
| for an app to all devices. This is not necessary
| when making managed config changes through the UI.
| This is necessary after making changes through the API.
class PushCertificate(SimpleMDMpy.SimpleMDM.Connection)
| Push cert module actions
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, api_key)
| get_signed_csr(self)
| Download a signed CSR file. This file is
| provided to Apple when creating and renewing a
| push certificate. The API returns a base64
| encoded plist for upload to the Apple Push
| Certificates Portal. The value of the data
| key can be uploaded to Apple as is
| getpush_certificate(self)
| Show details related to the current push
| certificate being used.
| update_certificate(self, file, apple_id)
| Upload a new certificate and replace the
| existing certificate for your account.