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How to program AVR microcontrollers using VS code

For Linux users you can check the Linux_RPI folder

Hardware requirements

  • Any AVR microcontroller board
  • USB ASP programmer

Software requirements

  • Visual Studio code
  • avr-gcc
  • avrdude
  • c/c++ extension

Let's start programming

  • Open VS code create a new work folder

  • create a c/c++ file write your embedded program in it and save

  • copy the Make file and paste it in your work folder

  • press ctrl + shift +p to open command palette

  • In command palette search for c/c++:Edit Configiratation(JSON) and select that

c/c++:Edit Configiratation(JSON)

By default the c_cpp_properties.json contain the path to the gcc compiler but for avr micro controllers we need to compile using avr-gcc so that we need to add the path to the avr-gcc 

"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/avr-gcc**"**, - // paste your avr-gcc path here

If you use any additional libraries you need to add the path to that library
"includePath": [
                // here you need to include the path to all the libraries that you used 

After adding the path to the libraries dont forget to put , in the end eg: "/usr/lib/avr/include" , "/usr/lib/avr/serial" , "/usr/lib/avr/uart"

Except includepath and compiler path rest content you can copy from my c_cpp_properties.json

  • Copy the tasks.json file and paste it into your .vscode

  • Make some edit in the make file

Make file compiles the c code and convert it into hex file.
Then upload the hex file to the AVR Microcontroller using AVRDUDE 

Makefile edit

MAIN_APP = blink_test

here you need to add the name of your .c file

MAIN_HEX_PATH = /home/pi/Documents/intrrepts/$(MAIN_APP).hex

Here you need to add the the location where you need to create the hex file

LFLAGS = -Os -mmcu=atmega328p -o Here you need to give the name of the mcu (micro controller)that you are using

DUDEFLAGS += /dev/ttyAMA0 Here you need to add port name in which you connect the usbasp programmer


  • Press Ctrl + Shift + B

    To build the make file


How to program AVR microcontrollers using VS code






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