A Live working Example Application of Python, Qt, PySide2, MongoDB, PyMongo, QTableView, QAbstractTableModel
This is a python application to load mongodb database data in pyside2 interface
- Python3.6
- pip install pymongo==3.7.2 - MongoDB Python Driver
- MongoDB 4.0.4 - Database Server
- (Optional)MongoDB Compass 1.16.3 - To view database
- Connect to MongoDB database
- Create new database
- Create new collection
- Insert new data
- Update existing data
- Query Data
- Remove Data
- Store image on MongoDb Database
- Create a TableView
- Create a QAbstractTableModel
- Load MongoDB Database data in QAbstractTableModel
- Make QAbstractTableModel rows inline editable to edit database
- Create (Add Row, Remove Row) context Menu on Tableview
- Create Dynamic Headers in QAbstractTableModel
- Add New Empty Row in QAbstractTableModel
- Remove row from QAbstractTableModel
- Edit Cell value in QAbstractTableModel
- Display image in column of QAbstractTableModel
- On double click on image a QFileDialog will open to change image