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Review Assignment Due Date

Week 16 Dandi Rizky (Advanced Backend Infra)

On this week assignments, we have a task to deploy our apps on Google Cloud Platform. Including pushing docker images to Artifact Repository Service and Creating VM Compute Engine to store our apps there and using Cloudflare to set the https.

Plus, on this advanced task i'm adding more features on my application such as adding third party Unsplash images to get random image from Unsplash and adding website status using betteruptime.

Diagram ✍

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 👀

Links :

Website Status 🧭

Link :

Docker Hub 🐳

My Docker Hub Images :

Installation 🔨

In order to run this project locally, you need to clone this repository first using git clone


then run pnpm install in your terminal to download all dependencies

$ pnpm install

create docker-compose.yaml on root folder (where the package.json installed) and fill with these commands to install postgresql database locally on your computer

version: '3.9'
    image: postgres:alpine
    container_name: dandirizky-mydatabase
    hostname: database
    - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    - 5432:5432
    - .env
    restart: always
    image: dandirizkyy/w16-advancedapp
    container_name: dandirizky-myapp
    build: .
    - 4000:4000
    - .env
    - database
    restart: always

don't forget to create .env files on root folder same like before with these command:


and run docker with these command:

docker-compose up -d

after that you can start the server using these following command :

# development
$ pnpm run start

# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev

# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod

if you want to stop docker, you can use these command

docker-compose stop

Documentation 📷

Swagger Documentation

Here you can find my documentation using swagger :

Endpoint Documentation

  1. First of all, all you need to do is registering your email and password first.
  • register

    || Register Endpoint ||
    POST     /auth/register
    "email": "",
    "password": "example123"
  1. After that, you can login with email and password that you registered before
  • login

    || Login Endpoint ||
    POST     /auth/login
    "email": "",
    "password": "example123"
  1. After you successfully login, you can access the resources endpoint such as users and products.
  • users

    || Users Endpoint ||
    GET     /users
  • products

    || Products Endpoint ||
    GET     /products
    GET     /products/1
    POST    /products
    "title": "Example Title",
    "description": "Example Description",
    "category": "Example Category"
    PUT     /products/1
    "title": "Example Title",
    "description": "Example Description",
    "category": "Example Category",
    "userId": 1
    PATCH   /products/1
    *Optional field, you can change either one value or multiple value at once
    "title": "Example Title",
    "description": "Example Description",
    "category": "Example Category",
    "userId": 1
    DELETE  /products/1
  1. Anddd for the last step.. dont forget to logout :)
  • logout

    || Logout Endpoint ||
    POST     /auth/logout

Technologies 💻

  • NestJS
  • Swagger
  • Typescript
  • PrismaORM
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • GCP

Support 🙌

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