If you have found value in any of the works that I have produced or the content that I have created, and if you would like to support my development efforts, you can do that by using any of the methods below. Any form of support is much appreciated.
- PayPal
- Buy Me A Coffee
- BTC: 3DdNmAA3w71vdohm3gtUgYCvtrTQYZP16C
- Dogecoin: DJBbW9AFpvXzppWMn5zwTrg6qTU2nKuSzC
- Shiba Inu: 0x9b6fBA3cf4Adc00055126e46a4CEC32A19886Bb5
Alternatively, you may pick up a copy of a game that I release from time to time. I do not receive royalties for any projects that have been released by third parties. However, I plan to self publish all future work under the name 'Zyzix Games'. You can stay up to date by following on Instagram or Youtube