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Spring spring-projects
Spring Projects

United States of America

稚晖 peng-zhihui

HUAWEI Research Shanghai

Docker docker
Docker helps developers bring their ideas to life by conquering the complexity of app development.

United States of America

Allard Buijze abuijze

AxonIQ Netherlands

ishowshao ishowshao
Science and technology are the primary productive forces.

Shanghai, China

Nzix nondanee

Hangzhou, China

crossoverJie crossoverJie
You never know what you can do till you try. @apache Pulsar & HertzBeat Committer


Christoph Strobl christophstrobl
Fantasy book addict father of 3. Plant-based 247365 workout enthusiast. SpringData engineer VMware. Organizer ejug Austria. Author.

Broadcom Pregarten, Austria

Dave Syer dsyer
Founder of Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, and an active contributor to Spring Integration, Spring Framework, Spring AMQP, Spring Security.

Broadcom London

程序猿DD dyc87112
Dream big, work smart, deliver fast

Shanghai, China

Brian Clozel bclozel
Spring Framework, Spring for GraphQL and Spring Boot committer @spring-projects

Spring team Lyon, France

纯洁的微笑 ityouknow
Open source is a spirit, I enjoy it.

Freedom and dreams beijing,china

Ivan Ukhov IvanUkhov
Ph.D., software engineer

Stockholm, Sweden

Denis Kolodin therustmonk
Rust adept with 10 years Rust experience. Creator of YEW and CRB frameworks.


xiaoy pro-xiaoy


布客飞龙 wizardforcel

@258ch @ApacheCN Beijing, China

Synced jiqizhixin


Micah Wedemeyer micahwedemeyer

The Agile League Atlanta, GA

Crypto Michael michaelliao
Crypto developer.

Beijing, China

梁飞 liangfei0201

Alibaba Hangzhou, China

P. Taylor Goetz ptgoetz West Chester, PA

Hiroki Nakayama Hironsan
OSS developer | Interested in Natural Language Processing

Tokyo, Japan

alsotang alsotang
A fullstack JS programmer.

Tencent ShenZhen, China

Alexander Heusingfeld aheusingfeld

@VorwerkDigital Hilden, Germany

Kenny Bastani kbastani
Building human-scale AI solutions San Francisco, CA

jeff kit jeffkit Guangzhou

yangjunming yjmyzz

ctrip shang hai