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Open Annotation adapter

Middleware for RESTful Open Annotation services.

Work in progress.

Try running

Or, try this:

for f in application/ld+json text/n3 application/n-triples application/n-quads application/rdf+xml application/trig application/trix text/turtle; do
  echo -e "\n--- $f ---"
  curl -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' -d '
    "@id": "",
    "target": ""
  }' -H "Accept: $f"

Adding formats

Support for input and output formats is loaded dynamically from files named * in the formats directory. Each such file must define the following:

  • format_name: string, short name of the format.
  • mimetypes: list of strings specifying the MIME types to associate with the format.
  • rom_jsonld: function taking a JSON-LD dict and returning a string in the format.
  • to_jsonld: function taking a string in the format and returning a JSON-LD dict.

For example, try creating the following formats/

format_name = 'tsv'

mimetypes = ['text/tab-separated-values']

def from_jsonld(data, options=None):
    return '\t'.join(('%s=%s') % (k, v) for k, v in data[0].items())

def to_jsonld(data, options=None):
    return [dict(d.rsplit('=', 1) for d in data.split('\t'))]

This gives you a primitive, incomplete and incorrect implementation of TSV:

 curl -H 'Content-Type: application/ld+json' \
     -d '{ "@id": "foo", "target": "" }' \ -H 'Accept: text/tab-separated-values'
@id=[{'@id': u''}]


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