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Johan Haleby edited this page Aug 9, 2015 · 13 revisions

Release Notes for REST Assured 2.5.0


  1. REST Assured
  2. Highlights
  3. Other Notable Changes
  4. Non-backward compatible changes
  5. Spring Mock MVC Module
  6. Highlights
  7. Other Notable Changes
  8. Non-backward compatible changes
  9. Minor Changes

REST Assured


  • REST Assured now show all failing body assertions when using multiple expectations in the same body clause. For example:

    .. then().body("x.y", equalTo("z"), "y.z", is(2)). ..

    If both "x.y" and "y.z" fails REST Assured will print both errors. Before only the error of "x.y" was shown.

  • Possible to sign the request with an oauth2 access token (in the header) without using Scribe

Other Notable Changes

  • It's now possible to set default filename and control name for multiparts. Before they were always equal to "file" but this is now configurable using the new MultiPartConfig. For example:

    given().config(config().multiPartConfig(multiPartConfig().with().defaultFileName("custom1").and().defaultControlName("custom2"))). ..
  • Added new a new NumberReturnType that can be used with JsonPathConfig in order to always return non-integer numbers as doubles. This also you to for example use the closeTo Hamcrest matcher. For example:

    RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config().jsonConfig(jsonConfig().numberReturnType(DOUBLE));
  • REST Assured can now resolve multiple path parameters inside the same URI "path parameter" (for example /somewhere/{x}{y}/z)

  • It's now possible to specify how content for a specific content-type should be serialized using com.jayway.restassured.config.EncoderConfig#encodeContentTypeAs(..). For example let's say that you want to serialized content-type my-custom-content-type as text:

            config(RestAssured.config().encoderConfig(encoderConfig().encodeContentTypeAs("my-custom-content-type", ContentType.TEXT))).
            content("Some text content").
            post("/somewhere"). ..
  • Pretty-printing of JSON now displays unicode characters correctly

  • Multipart file uploading now supports specifying an empty filename.

Non-backward compatible changes

  • Changed com.jayway.restassured.matcher.ResponseAwareMatcher from an abstract class to a (functional) interface. The reason is to allow for creating ResponseAwareMatchers as lambda expressions in Java 8. Before you had to do like this (even in Java 8):

           body("_links.self.href", new ResponseAwareMatcher<Response>() {
               public Matcher<?> matcher(Response response) {
                   return equalTo("http://localhost:8080/" + response.path("id"));

    but with the new change you can now do (if using Java 8):

           body("_links.self.href", response -> equalTo("http://localhost:8080/" + response.path("id")));

    which is much less verbose. This change should be backward compatible unless you use composition of matchers. Before you composed ResponseAwareMatchers like this:

           body("_links.self.href", responseAwareMatcher1.and(responseAwareMatcher2));

    This now longer works (since we cannot implement default methods in the ResponseAwareMatcher interface in order to be compatible with older Java versions) so now you use the new com.jayway.restassured.matcher.ResponseAwareMatcherComposer class to compose ResponseAwareMatchers instead:

           body("_links.self.href", and(responseAwareMatcher1, responseAwareMatcher2));

    where and is statically imported from ResponseAwareMatcherComposer. These can also be nested and combined with regular Hamcrest matchers, for example:

           body("_links.self.href", and(responseAwareMatcher1, containsString("something"), or(responseAwareMatcher2, responseAwareMatcher3, endsWith("x"))));
  • multiPart methods taking as argument now uses the filename of the File instead of just "file". You can change the default filename by using the MultiPartConfig.

Spring Mock MVC module


  • MockMvc module now supports async requests. For example:

    given().body(..).when().async().post("/x").then(). ..

    Big thanks to Marcin Grzejszczak (@mgrzejszczak) for helping out.

  • Added support for RequestPostProcessor authentication. For example:

    given().auth().with(httpBasic("username", "password")). ..

    where httpBasic is statically imported from This requires that you have spring-security-test in your classpath. This also means that you can make use of Spring Security test annotations such as @WithMockUser and @WithUserDetails.

  • Added support for RequestPostProcessors to the Spring Mock MVC module, for example:

    given().postProcessors(myRequestPostProcessor1, myRequestPostProcessor2). ..

Other Notable Changes

  • It's now possible to set default filename and control name for multiparts. Before they were always equal to "file" but this is now configurable using the new MultiPartConfig. For example:

    given().config(config().multiPartConfig(multiPartConfig().with().defaultFileName("custom1").and().defaultControlName("custom2"))). ..
  • It's now possible to supply MockMvcConfigurers when calling webAppContextSetup in the Spring Mock MVC module. For example:

    given().webAppContextSetup(context, springSecurity()). ..
  • Added RestAssuredMockMvc#config() method that returns the assign static config or a new config if no static config has been assigned

  • Spring Mock MVC module automatically registers as request post processor if spring-security-test is available in classpath and you've supplied an instance of AbstractMockMvcBuilder to Rest Assured. This means that you don't have to create a custom MockMvc instance with a SecurityMockMvcConfigurer manually which means easier setup. For example if you have spring-security-test in classpath it's enough to just do:

    given().webAppContextSetup(webAppContext). ..

    instead of:

    given().mockMvc(MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).apply(springSecurity()).build()). ..

    which you had to do before. You can disable this using the new MockMvcConfig.

Non-backward compatible changes

  • The field RestAssuredMockMvc.mockMvc has been replaced by the method RestAssuredMockMvc.mockMvc(..). Before you did:

    RestAssuredMockMvc.mockMvc = myMockMvcInstance;

    but now you need to do:


Minor changes

See change log for more details.