Fast Easy way to Install and Update Aur and Non-Aur Arch Linux Packages!
- Complete the essential pacman functions
- Ability to modify arch mirrorlist
- Implement aur helper
- Better inspection and secure aur package installation
- Better optimization
- Fully Move To Using C Libraries rather than command line wrapping
Dependencies -
- less
- pacman
- curl
- base-devel
Actions :
- update - ( Update outdated system/user packages )
- refresh - ( Refresh Repository Database )
- install - ( Install a package )
- install-local - ( Install a local package )
- install-aur - ( Install aur package )
- install-force - ( Forcefully install a package )
- modify-repo - ( Modify arch repositories )
- query - ( Query if a package is installed )
- search - ( Search for a package in the base repository )
- search-aur - ( Search for a package in the aur repository )
- remove - ( Remove a package )
- remove-dep - ( Remove a package along with its dependencies )
- remove-force - ( Forcefully remove a package even if other packages depend on it )
- remove-orp - ( Remove orphan packages )
Options :
- --version, -v - ( Display the version of the package manager )
- --help, -h - ( Display this help guide )
Install dependencies :
sudo pacman -S less gcc pacman make base-devel
Method 1 :
git clone
cd aurc/src
sudo make install
Method 2 :
curl -o aurc-pkgbuild.tar.gz
tar xvzf aurc-pkgbuild.tar.gz
cd aurc-pkgbuild
makepkg -si
Method 3 :
or download the file from Github Releases
sudo pacman -U aurc-${version}-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
git fetch & git pull
sudo make clean install